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Embarrassing Embassies

Started by maddox, March 29, 2020, 07:41:36 AM

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Cuzco, Imperial palace.   A chasqui brings a vocal message from Lima.
Sapa Inca, the Byzantine embassy reacted on some subtile hints send out by our lorekeepers.  They asked for an audience with you, after handing over the designs for a very interesting medium sized torpedo craft.   As if they need to buy themselfs in.

I would say, it seems they are working to their own rules, quite honnestly to their mindset. Not a surprise.  And a setup I heard of earlier , rather not uncommon in foreign countries. 
And to be honest, it is not unlike over here. I'm aware that some of my advisors, ministers and secretaries are not averse to intermingle personal gain with their appointed duties.  And as long it isn't to obvious, tedious or obnoxious, I'll let it slide.  But if this avarice disturbes the wishes of the gods, or mine, the results won't be pretty.  I'm just lucky non got my negative attention.  YET.
On the other hand, the Byzantine ambassadOr and his team have my favor. The audience is granted.  Distribute this information to the right people.  But give the Byzantines time to get ready for a very strange meeting.


Inca Embassy, Aztec lands.  Fortress city of Tenochtitlan.

A chasqui brings several message tubes and has the order to make an oral questionaire.

Ambassador Puriq, Sapa Inca inqueres about the progress on the Rim Treaty initiative.

There is no progress, the San Diego affair has taken the time from the other dignitaries involved as observers. As written in my reports.
Here is the message tube with the most recent reports.
Can you inform the Lorekeepers, that I fear the Mayans will going for a very rough time.  Also, that the North Border could become a zone of mixed interest, and not of the good kind.
There is a addendum to those reports, and if Sapa Inca pleases, this message scroll is to be delivered to Ambassador Kogoro.


Why the Imperial Navy needed old decrepit ships was still a mystery to him, but Kogoro had delivered. The negotiations had gone smoothly and the two Catequils where on their way to Japan. But now a new matter had risen up. Inca units had moved into southern [French Guyana] while the Japanese troops scheduled to move there having been caught in a bureaucratic snafu. Kogoro had been given great latitude to find a resolution and a promise that a successful deal would open up the option to retire. Back to the Imperial palace he would go.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Tokyo, current events.

A chasqui delivers a message tube to the Inca Embassy.  One gold seal keeps it closed. 

Ambasador Yma reads.

"Foreign intrusions on Inca soil increase, North Erica has Mayan and Wilno influence, no clear diplomatic paths atm. 
Japans sudden appereance makes it more complicated. Clear this out and state the Inca long term plans to the Japanese shogunate."