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Embarrassing Embassies

Started by maddox, March 29, 2020, 07:41:36 AM

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1912. With Lore Seekers returning from all over the world, each of'm have a different story, but as Puriq already mentioned, the remote Empire has fallen behind the times of the world. And the tidings the loreseekers bring to the Incan emperor ain't happy making.

Good to travel to my new capital. Thanks to get the approval of our people that I have a new House of Knowledge and place to stay in Lima. President Chualpi*, you are doing great things. I'm the first Sapa Inca that can travel freely between Cusco and Lima. Thanks to the railroad you proposed, and the palacial train my people did build.

My duty and honor Great Sunchosen one. Inti smiled upon us, and your people confided trust in the programs of the greater Hunu Kuraka making the decisions under your guidance. I'm just the president, the first among the peers under your leadership.

I agree that my gouverment executes the tasks set to give our people a good life admirably.
Unfortunatly, it's just for our people, and the Loreseekers that returned from their quests in the last year do bring tales that make me very concerned about the future of the empire. Did you get the report compiled by our Lorekeepers?

I did, my liege. And I share your concern. Suddenly our borders are not the borders we have known for 200 years and more.
To the east, the demons of the Green hell bring us tidings of strange people, with magical powers, and great warrior strength that are destroying the green hell and driving them off, no ambush can deter them, no poison arrow or dart will kill them, and they kill with weapons that make almost the same noise, but smell very different to our "magic smokepoles", and fire way more rapidly, with greater reach and more devastation.

The north, even closer and worse, the Vilnian Union is upsetting Urcunina by settling there.
And tidings from the south, rare as these are, also mention that the Vilnians are setting up shop around Ushuaia.
Our Gold fleet should make visiting the Vilnian rulers a priority. 

Even Quchamama seems indifferent at the moment. We have had several visits from the Far Far away Parthian Empire, and the formal-in a strange way- Shogunate people have their own place in Lima already.  yes, we can call the villa a consulate, embassy of cultural exchange center. But nontheles, they are here. 

True. But those Shogunate people, they seem rather harmless and very human, even if they had some very interesting talks with some of our Hunu Kuraka's.
But, still, the world is shrinking around us.

Shouldn't WE consult Inti and Quchamama at our field on the sacret islands, that's not done since our granddad went to that divine quest after the great disaster?

President Chualpi, are you now advising me as Inti's high priest? if so, that is a huge, dangerous step to take. Even with our best ship, I would leave my throne empty for weeks.  

Yes  Càpac, I advice this as Inti's high Priest. I don't see any other way to get the gods guidance and approval.  Imagine if we would try to enter the Huaca Urcunina borderzone without approval?
And the throne can be empty, but your sons will make sure the throne will be protected, as well the empire. It's not that the military doesn't worship you or hold your heir in high regard. 

I will consult Inti at the Solar Seat in Machu Pichu. I will render my decision after that. 

*(again,President Chualpi, this small amiable rotund man has a greasy voice, think a cross between Danny deVito and Severus Snape)

Kaiser Kirk

I think I am going to enjoy the lore seeker's tales.
Interesting use of colored text..I will have to experiment with that.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


3 weeks later. Cusco.

Ah Senior Loreseeker Puriq.  Our Gold fleet is almost ready to take sail, what is your plan? Willaq Umu Chualpi and me agree on the issue of the Vilnians settling nearby the Huaca Urcunina. That should be adressed first.

Yes Sapa Inca, but how? Not something to do lightly. Not easy to find a loreseeker, let be a law abiding civilian willing to over the northern land border towards Urcunina. Some did travel northeast, using the less aggressive Demons of the Green hell to cover their travels and reaching the Eastern Sea. The Lore of the ethernal thunderstorm on the teardrop lake nearby the sea is a wonder, we have only 2 Loreseekers that ever traveled there, and returned. The last one was 60 years ago.

I was thinking of talking to the rulers directly. Didn't you tell about the bigger settlements more north, just south of the Mayan lands? They should have something simular as our Huna Kuraka's to gouvern the people there. And didn't you see their cold homelands over the eastern ocean? What would you do? Go direct to their Sapa Inca? Or talk to the Huna Kuraka of the Middle?
We can't ignore them. Sooner or later they will be at our border, and Inti knows what would happen then and there. The stories from before time ain't very joyous. Strange diseases, groups of lobstershelled invulnerable men that fight as one.

Son of Inti, they call their Huna Kuraka's "minister", or prince, or gouverner, and a few other forms of formality. And their Sapa Inca is refered to as King or majesty.
And I would go to the gouverner of Choco . He should reside in the town of Pisisi. If the Gold Fleet sails the Sanp'a, a long ardous trek overland is the price we don't want to win. Slogging overland with all our stuff would require an army of porters. Geeting that army there is already an issue, but being seen with a 1000 people won't inspire any trust, and would pull out Demons of their dens in the Green Hell.
If we go past Ushuaia to the Eastern ocean, the long way around, we can get a lot closer and probably find one of the mayor port cities of the Vilnians. A lot easier to settle a consulate or embassy there.


A few days earlier. Càpac returned from his session on the Solar Seat in Machu Picchu and summoned the Willoq Umu to make the edicts he recieved.
Chualpi,  I have communed with Inti, sitting on the Solar Seat in Machu Picchu. And I'm surprised at the answers I got.
Not only Inti did inspire me. His guidance is clear now. But I also got other messages from other gods. Especialy Ayar Cachi was for his doings very subtile. But also Pachamama had her advise ready.
Even if we are a proud people, with strong men, capable of defending and protecting the empire, women healthy and capable, our strength is limited compared to what the Loreseekers tell us about the foreign empires. We tought the Mayans were strong. They are, stronger than us in certain respects. But we have our strengths too.

On the direct issue of the north border, and Huaca Urcunina. Inti allows us to peacefully interact with the new neighbors there, and together with Mamapacha he advised us to send a trade caravan to the Vilnian settlement found by Senior Loreseeker Puriq. Idealy, we should have that trade caravan arrive there when our emmissiaries meet the Vilnian Huni Kuraka in Pisisi. So we have time to prepare that caravan. This can also tell us if the Vilnians use that new thing, called Marconi or radio. According to Puriq, they do. At least on sea.

Mamapacha urged me to send our farmers/craftsmen with army protection to the fertile lands east and north of Urcunina. The lands there are fertile and plentifull.

Ayar Cachi. The fickle god that saved our forefather, still favours us. He will send a great sign when we can advance to the south and southeast.  I got the impression we shouldn't build other things than roads ,and maybe railroads to get there. Main thing is water. We should find a way to get lots of potable water and food to that border. railroad sounds easiest, but then we need more potable water.
By ship maybe, if we can expand the harber fast enough. Hmm, don't steamships make their own potable water? If so, that kind installation could provide water for the area. Make sure our engineers get that worked out.

And I'm not going to the Sacred Islands. You are, and my son Sinchi will join you.  I will be in Cusco, That was made very clear that I shouldn't go sailing Sanp'a. Also, this shouldn't be common knowledge, so for all intents and purposes, we will prepare as if to make the journey as already announced. 

Brother, that is a lot to digest in one go.

Yes, I have to admit, it took me a day on the Solar Seat with the leafs of the gods and beer to sustain me and see the will of the gods clearly.

To be continued.

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: maddox on March 30, 2020, 10:53:10 AM
The Lore of the ethernal thunderstorm on the teardrop lake nearby the sea is a wonder, we have only 2 Loreseekers that ever traveled there, and returned. The last one was 60 years ago.

I did not know that. Neat.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest



Brother, I can see how you sacrificed yourself on the Solar seat. A day in the sun , just getting cocaleafs for chewing and beer for drinking. I even can imagine the pain the day after.
I have to admit, I feel actualy relieved that you're staying here, where you should be. And that you're giving your heir a decent thing to do. Maybe I can knock some sense into him during the weeks of travel. After all, he's nearing Qhari*, unfortunatly, he's acting as if he just started Wayna*.

Chualpi, you're again right. I didn't look at it that way, shows us again that the Gods care for us, the Inca people. Was that the High Priest speaking, or the equaly exurberant wayna being remembered by yourself? 

Something else Càpac, shouldn't we give our ambitious nephew Achiyaku a piece of the glory you just commanded to happen? After all, he's trying to be the best Hunu Kuraka for Antisuyu he can be. With the small, strange hickup in his path, liking those Shogunatese people in Lima a tad to much for my comfort.  Shouldn't you give him the royal command to organise the sending of envoys to the Shogunate, to "exchange honors" and start an embassy there?  That should give him great satisfaction and will divert him from what I suspect, overreaching. With the added benefit that your favored one, Puriq, doesn't have to travel the world twice over to accomplish the targets the gods have set for us.

I'm lucky to have a brother so capable. We'll make it so.  Who do you think Achiyaku will send to the Shogunate?  I hope he will ask the Loreseekers or Lorekeepers for advice or even capable people.
Hmm, good question. His aversion to the Loreseekers or Lorekeepers is almost mythical. So I expect he'll dip in the pool of friends from his navy days. What is preferably to his ambitious daughter. On the other hand, getting that vixen out of the continent would be a good thing. Hmmm, how to do that?

You're right again. I think we have enough to do. I'll take care of Achiyaku. You should get going on the launch of the Inti Touched Fleet, and arranging my heirs and your own transport.

* Wayna and Qhari, what we would call puberty and young adulthood for males. The Incan of old were not prudish at all, and when puberty hit a boy or girl, sexuality wasn't something to hide, ignored or despised. Incan boys or girls were welcome to experiment , to enjoy life to the brim. But this was only a phase in life. When they entered Qhari, marriage and respectability were expected.


Cuzco, Imperial palace. Sapa Inca private quarters.

Dear Achiyacu, I'm glad you had the task of the ambassadorial fleet well in hand. Everybody agrees on a task well done by you and our admirality.  And that brings us to this conversation.  You know what the reward for a job well done is?   

Of course nephew, a more difficult job would be the normal reward. Your summons hint at a welcome respite, a more domestic and rest-inspiring task to be added to my other duties. And that makes me wonder. How can a task added to my normal workload be restfull?
You're going to love this , once you tought it trough. I want another ambassador send out, the other direction. I want an ambassador for the Shogunate. After all, They started this very good idea in Lima, under your sponsorship. The big difference between this ambassador and the 4 we send with the Seeker fleet, wil be size and wished results.  We're sending a special one to the Shogunate. One of the family, with charisma and willpower to spare, youth and fire. One well versed in the arts of convincing, one used to get her wishes fullfilled, even if it needs more personal attention. And one not in the line of succession. Inti made that very very clear in my last Solar Seat prayer.

Càpac, that's very specific after all. Your sons have their duties, my sons are also in the line of succession. As well our nephews. So, you mean one of our daughters or nieces? I doubt you would send children so far away to take that kind of task, so your daughter isn't the one. So, I see only adult females of the family as option. You're not going to send out our wifes out. So, we end up with Yma... I have to admit, that is very very interesting. My eldest daughter is everything you specified. And having her taking up her Warmi* responsibilies FAR away will make life a lot more restfull for me. She also will find it very difficult to avoid her duty to her father, supported by the Sapa Inca.

I wish I could do more, alas, with the glory you got from the golden fleet, the means we have for a simular expedition are not available. It's also not needed, as it is only 1 ambassadorial crew we're sending. I can make 4 manweights of gold available from the Privy purse. That should be enough to outfit 2 merchant ships for the task, with all the bells and whistles, and get Yma a few outfits like she likes so much. Maybe you could get her in contact with your Shogun contacts, to have her discus appropriate attire for the role she's going to take up.
And I have to admit, it can seem cowardly, but I'm going to leave it at your capable hands to tell her this. If she tries to gouge out your eyes, our guardians will stop her, and bring her to me, wrapped in very colorfull ropes and chains. 

*Warmi, female Qhari, age of reason, responsibility, marriage, children etc..

Kaiser Kirk

So you're sending Yma "the gouger of eyes" to the Japanese with a great deal of gold as a bribe to take her off your hands?
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Same day, same location :)

After Achiyacu left, Càpac joins his wifes in the living quarters.

My darlings, the gods smile upon us. Court will become more restful now our nephew has agreed to the tasks set on us. The young lady who was upsetting us all a lot won't bother us anymore. We'll just need some patience.

Oh husband, are you going to have her executed for treason? After her attempts to seduce you and Wiraqucha in such a display of wanton powerlust, at that tender age, she's a menace to the empire.

I wouldn't state it that strongly, but her actions caused a lot of unrest in court, especialy as she didn't make a difference between Qhari, Warmi , Sipas or Wayna. Now, the age of folly allows for such escapades, but seducing matures in a stable relationship does not.
Now, no official complaints were made, so I can't do a lot without overstepping my bounds, so no, execution is not an option. She's going to travel. She's going to be presented with a golden opportunity to use all of her skills and royal lineage, as the newly coined ambassadrice to the Shogunate.
The patience I ask for will depend how fast her father can get her on a ship without suffering too much. Yma's tantrums are notorious.


Achiyacu's house.

Yma, my princess, I have great news for you. As you're approaching Warmi, you'll get more prestige, more influence, more clothing, a bigger stipend.  And even the opportunity to see more of the empire, even the world.

Dad, or this is a vary bad joke, or, there is a nasty surprise added to these words. The last half year the only thing I got from everybody was disdain, reluctance, even contempt. I know, I shouldn't have tried bedding Wiraqucha, as that close bloodties are frowned upon, even for a hotblooded Sipas. But he's so handsome, pure male attraction with all those muscles.  Oh well, he's also boring with his dedication to his fate. I hoped to cure him of that boredom, getting us a better Sapa Inca when he ascends the throne.  Alas, uncle Càpac wanted things differently, but he's married, and whatever people say, I don't tumble with Qhari nor Warmi. And that's all I'm going to tell about this.

Yma, jewel of my heart, no joke, nor a nasty surprise.  I should start, it's an order from the Sapa Inca. And that I cannot ignore. Neither can you. Also, I agree with the reasoning behind it, even if uncles Càpac and Chualpi makes it Inti mandated. You know about the gold fleet being made ready for a world spanning voyage?

Of course dad. Can I go with that fleet, please, please, please....

Ehn hmm, I didn't expect this, she wants to see the world. And with what she just told me, I suspect my nephew had other idea's with my beautifull daughter when he did see her with Wiraqucha.
It's' even better sweetling. You're getting your own fleet. A great honor in itself. And to make it better, no boring Lorekeepers for you, nor nosey , intrusive loreseeking spies. 
You're going to the Shogunate, you know, those strange, friendly foreigners who live ,temporary, in our Lima villa.  And to start this great adventure, you're going to need new clothes.  Some of the most regal courtly dresses, gowns and parure you can imagine. Dress to impress. 
But my darling, it doesn't stop there. I'm going to ask my Shogunate friends what courtly dress for them means, and if we can get you a few sets of those.

That sounds very very exciting.  When do we start with this great duty? I need to tell this to my friends, it will be soooooo cool.  But, will Urpi willing to join me? She's my servant for ages now, but her husband and children .. And how will I travel to the Shogunate, how long will that be, and what is needed, and and and.....

Later, a Chasqui delivers a silvery, lightweight messagetube at the Shogunate compound in Lima.


I don't know whats scarier the Chinese acting up or the gouger of eyes coming over...
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


My lord, we have several message rolls and a wooden chest from the Shogunate embassy.

Ah, please let the guards check the chest, and bring the message rolls to my office. I hope the messages are what I wished for. Will make my life a lot easier.

Palace Guardpost, one chest, several guards gawking at the contents, layer upon layer of a soft, smooth fabric like they never have seen nor felt.
With papers between each layer, with writing non can even come close to decipher. The contents seems harmless, so that is communicated.

Honored Hunu Kuraka, we have brought up the chest to the office as specified. Do you need anything else?

Can you have Yma informed that I want to see her in an hour . And a carafe of my estates wine, thank you.

Opening the message scrolls yields a lot of information on Shogunate courtly dress rules, and the translations for the notes in between the layers of exceptional smooth fabric, silk.

Also, a few woodcut prints are included.

Yma, our Shogunate firends have replied. They regret they don't have enough of the fabric to have you a real court gown fitted, as they only had enough with them to make adjustments on their own clothing.  But they did send samples , you can feel the smoothness, even smoother and softer than the best Pima cotton our weavers can supply. They also regret the fact that they don't have the tailor who can do this task. On the other hand, we do have tailors, and we could use the finest Pima cotton to make you Shogunate court gowns.

Yes dad, eying the wonderfull woodcuts, we could have these kinds of robes made from Pima, but the difference in apperant quality, won't that make ours like a kind of cheap knock off?  That won't make the impression we want to make, and even be an insult on the Shogunate and me? Imagine "Oh, cute, that pauper girl from that far way land, tries to imitate us, how quaint" I will think about it, and maybe we should have at least one of the gowns made, if it doesn't pass muster with the envoys in Lima, we always can have it worn by my maid, to denote the difference in rank, but making a statement we can hold our servants in high regard. 

That, my darling, is good thinking. Pity things at court are as they are, otherwise you already would have made a serious impression there. What a change to the airheads we have there.



I'll arrange for the best tailors to make the Sun Dress for Ambassadrice Yma, Sapa Inca's envoy to the Shogunate. Also, when those tailors are here, you can also give your input for the formal dress or uniform to be worn by males and females on "Shogunate Ambassadorial duty". 

That is spoken like the Hunu Kuraka you are, father. In the time I have, I'll have to learn the Shogunate language, I don't want to be depending on translators, especialy no lorekeeper nor seeker. Can we get one of your friends in Lima to help me in this?

Again dear Yma, you are thinking ahead. You sure we don't have to arrange your elevation to Warmi?

And deny me the fun I can have untill then, please, leave that for the day before I leave.  I realise that we don't even know how long I'll be away from home, or even how fast we can exchange letters, quipus or other messages. Even if the passage to the Shogunate is 1 month, a letter and reply will take 2 months.
(ooc, it's at least a 3month passage with a sailing vessel. With a steamer that can be halved. But the young lady is thinking about the worst case of timing towards the Mayans)

Days later
Message tubes arrive in Lima. Some at shipping lines, one at a ship yard, and a whole flock at the Shogunate embassy. But all , light silvery metal with gold seal. 


Japanese Embassy, Lima

Takahira Kogoro had an extensive resume having served as a diplomat abroad for over 30 years including in Rome, Vilnius, the Northern Kingdom, and even Byzantine, but nothing he had seen in his travels had prepared him for this. Setting up a new embassy in a strange country was difficult enough with a people who spoke a language unlike none he had ever heard before. He understood why he had been chosen, as Japan's most experienced diplomat, but the task in front of him was... unique. Perhaps the issue was one of mistranslation, after all his two translators were fluent in Mayan and not Quechuan.

"Are you sure the maid used the term 'Gouger of Eyes'? And are you sure you translated this list of requests correctly? Some of these requests seem a bit, shall we say unusual."

Fortunately for Kogoro, one of his translators had struck up a 'friendship' with one of the palace maids. For one it improved his language skills and brought some valuable insight and information into the palace life. Unfortunately most of this information was not of the diplomatic intelligence variety but mostly colorful and embellished palace gossip, and the most colorful of the people in the palace was the new Ambassadrice to Japan.

"I know you've translated this twice already, go find some Incan scholar for further insights into some of these terms, scour the docks as well, there's got to be some merchants or sailors who might be able to translate as well. Talk to your friend as well, see f you can find out more about Yma."

Kogoro's mind went back to a specific request, one perhaps best answered by geisha or maybe a courtesan(oiran)? Well his naval attache had recently been stationed at Yokosuka, if someone would know it would be him. In the meantime he would do what he could to fulfill the rest of the more garden variety requests from the new Ambassadrice, she had requested to learn Japanese, perhaps an invitation was in order were they could both mutually benefit in learning each others language. Plus he had to send a report back on her and it would be best to get to know her in person. the maid's gossip had been colorful indeed, perhaps a bit to much so. But if it was true, well he might have to warn all of Tokyo of her arrival.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Sapa Inca palace Cuzco. A giant stone edifice, with the main keep completely gilded.

Hunu Kuraka Achiyacu's private chambers. (a translator is having a difficult task, but she's managing)

Honored Ambassadar Kogoro, welcome. Thank you for accepting our invitation and to meet your beautifull counterpart , my daughter Yma.*
I hope your wisdom can guide us all to a great future of both our Empires, and gain the rightful place in the flow of time.

I thank you for this wonderfull reception grandiouse Hunu Kuraka, and I have to congratulate you, mistress Yma, on your well deserved task.

Thank you for the encouraging words honored ambassadar Kogoro. I hope I fullfill the destiny Inti gave me. But, I have to admit, I have so many questions, I scarecely can imagine where to begin.
Luckey, my impetiousness can give me some leeway. So, can I start with a small trivial issue?  We got the desings and fabric samples of appropriate Shoguna court attire. Now, ordering it from your land is not easy at the moment, and would take more time than we want to spend on a delicate matter like this. So our tailors did their best, and my dear maid Urpu will show you the result. What's your view on this?

To be continued.

²OOC, this isn't a trivial matter.  Its like your girlfriend/wife asking "doesn't my derriere look fat in this dress" when you have joined her at the shopping mall... 

* Artists impression of the adult Yma Sumac.