Nation Setup Thread

Started by snip, February 13, 2017, 09:58:26 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 08, 2017, 07:46:56 PM

~35% of BP assigned to the Swarm, which would be a metric crapload of torpedo-boats, protected cruisers, torpedo cruisers, rams, monitors and gunboats (backed up by shore batteries), many of which would be stationed around the Danish Straits.

Would Parthia's 312 torpedo boats count as "metric crapload" ?  They are backed by 8 protected and 17 scout / frigate cruisers :) Though the Straits of Hormuz are also guarded by a pair of elderly battleships "Keymaster" and the "GateKeeper".  Remember, if someone asks if you're a god, say "yes".
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


QuoteWould Parthia's 312 torpedo boats count as "metric crapload" ?
With "metric crapload", I think of 1000 TBs. you only have 31% if that number. Must be an imperial thing. :D
QuoteRemember, if someone asks if you're a god, say "yes".
This guy has the right idea. :)

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: Walter on November 14, 2017, 12:09:15 PM

With "metric crapload", I think of 1000 TBs. you only have 31% if that number. Must be an imperial thing. :D

They do displace over 18,000 metric tons... and fire over 600 torpedoes.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

The Rock Doctor

Okay, proposed sub-division of the Vilnius Union.

This reflects my current assumption that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Rzeczpospolita - was the early dominant power in the union.  It's the biggest region, and picked up bits of Romania/Moldova/Ukraine quite recently.  21 IC, 9 BP.

Sweden was the junior partner in the union, and was effectively cut in two.  Rump Sverige has 8 IC and 4 BP.

The cut-off parts of Sweden picked up Livonia and such to create Suomi, with 8 IC and 2 BP.

Next came Czechia/Slovakia bits, to which Bavaria and Austrian bits were added later; this is Dunaj, with 7 IC and 3 BP.

Next came Deutschland, which features Prussia/Brandenburg and some other German bits.  It is not a coincidence that Deutschland excludes a lot of what might be considered German lands.  Still the second most powerful region with 14 IC and 6 BP.

Finally came Nordsoen, which includes late-ish acquisitions like Denmark and the Netherlands and some German stuff in-between.  This is 11 IC and 4 BP.

*Numbers reflect point-buys from modification points.

The Rock Doctor

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 07, 2017, 06:48:28 PM
Notional Modification Points for "Sweden/Green":

-20 MP:  +4 BP
-19 MP:  R&D
---6 each for 1908 DD and Rangefinders; 2 each for 1906 propulsion and planes; 1 each for 1908 mines, night-fighting, and torpedoes
-11 MP:  Land and/or Deployment (exact mix to be determined)

Revised to:

-20 MP:  +4 BP
-3 MP:  +1 IC
-13 MP:  +130 Land/Deployment
-14 MP:  6 for RF, 2 for propulsion and planes, 1 for DD, mines, night-fighting, torpedoes

The Rock Doctor

Quote from: The Rock Doctor on March 21, 2018, 06:09:04 PM
Okay, proposed sub-division of the Vilnius Union.

This reflects my current assumption that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Rzeczpospolita - was the early dominant power in the union.  It's the biggest region, and picked up bits of Romania/Moldova/Ukraine quite recently.  21 IC, 9 BP.

Sweden was the junior partner in the union, and was effectively cut in two.  Rump Sverige has 8 IC and 4 BP.

The cut-off parts of Sweden picked up Livonia and such to create Suomi, with 8 IC and 2 BP.

Next came Czechia/Slovakia bits, to which Bavaria and Austrian bits were added later; this is Dunaj, with 7 IC and 3 BP.

Next came Deutschland, which features Prussia/Brandenburg and some other German bits.  It is not a coincidence that Deutschland excludes a lot of what might be considered German lands.  Still the second most powerful region with 14 IC and 6 BP.

Finally came Nordsoen, which includes late-ish acquisitions like Denmark and the Netherlands and some German stuff in-between.  This is 11 IC and 4 BP.

*Numbers reflect point-buys from modification points.

This got revised somewhat to fix the Deutschland and Danuj borders.  See the encyclopedia for details.

The Rock Doctor

I think I'm ready to go, guys.

The Rock Doctor

Nordic cross and color choices reference the flags of Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands and the Imperial German flag.  Four crowns symbolize the union and reference the cardinal directions

Kaiser Kirk

I put this in my Encyclopedia, but figured I'd repost it here.

About Parthia

The Parthian Empire is so named specifically to distinguish this nation from our world's Iran or Persia. There have been substantial timeline changes which result in a very different sovereign state.

There are three primary changes :
I. The Muslim conquest historically found an Empire exhausted by war with Byzantium and torn by civil war.  In Navalism, the resistance is more successful, not all the nation falls. This allows alliances to be wrought and deals made, and over several decades, the Muslim invasion is defeated. This removes a large base of wealth and knowledge from the Caliphate, leading to the Muslim efforts elsewhere to be less vigorous than historical.

II. As part of the resistance to the Muslim Invasion, a Succession Law and Imperial Code (a Magna Carta) is established by Queen XX. This stops the splintering caused by the succession and civil wars. This allows a centralized government to run a centralized state for the next 1,300 years.

III. Historically, the Mongol invasion, included destroying the cities, the hydraulic infrastructure, depopulating the  landscape, killing off the men, shipping the scholars, scientists, women and children off as slaves... and leaving the Iranian plateau open to various Turkic conquerors who set up a succession of weak Empires.

In Navalism7, the centralized and prosperous Parthian state does loose it's first armies and the area between the Caspian to the Oxus river, roughly the northern 1/3 of the Empire. Unlike historically, that did not shatter the state. The Empire is able to fall back into mountains and desert, raise further armies with elephants and camels, field their own traditional horse archers. Much like the Hungarians or Arabs, the Parthians are able to fight on terrain dis favorable to the Mongols.  The Mongols are deflected north and west, and the Parthians eventually recapture the Trans-Oxus region.

Basic Information

The Empire is a constitutional Monarchy, with a weak legislature and powerful monarch.

The Parthian Empire of Navalism7 has been ruled by the Arsacid Dynasty since 247 BCE. This Dynasty claims lineage to Cyrus the Great of 550BCE.

The Succession Law of the House of Arsacid requires the Emperor to designate and maintain a list of four heirs. The Succession Law also forbids the House of Arsacid to marry with members of any of the Greater Nobility of the Empire, or any other member of the House of Arsacid within three Degrees of the Blood. This has led to the Royal house to marry extensively with the Lesser Nobility and with foreign Royals.

Requirements: Each Heir must be of clear Arsacid Lineage, of age, and of sound mind and of good moral character.

Degrees of the Blood :
A Father, a brother, a son would all be of the First Degree. 
A Mother, Sister, Daughter, Uncle, Grandfather, Grandson, would all be considered Second Degree.
Females may be Heirs, but are considered one degree further than their birth would otherwise merit.
Oddly, illegitimate children born to Female Arsacids are illegible to be included, albeit at a penalty of two further degrees, but not illegitimate children merely claimed by Male Arsacids. 

The Ranking :
The Emperor must consider and either rank or reject first all kin of the First Degree of the Blood, followed by those of the Second Degree, and then those of the Third Degree, etc. 

Should the Emperor fail to produce a list, or the members die, or commit a capital crime such as regicide, treason, murder, etc, then the law specifies that the succession fall to the eldest of the nearest degree of blood.

The Testing : When first added they present themselves before the House of Lords and answer questions to verify their merit. Only a 2/3rds Vote can reject a Heir. Likewise, an Heir can be re-examined, should the majority of the Lords demand it.

There is an Imperial Parliament, with a House of Commons and a House of Lords. At lower levels, there are only Houses of Commons.

Heads of Noble Houses, retired Generals or Admirals, Guild Leaders, and leaders of the various Churches, all sit in the House of Lords.

Legislature members are elected. However, each echelon of government (Shire/City, Fief, Province, Satrap/Kingdom, Imperial) sends the senior members of it's legislature to the next highest legislature. As non-title holding members of the lesser and greater nobility can, and do, run for office, they are usually found at the highest levels. The result is the local government is responsive and flexible, but the Imperial Parliament is invested in the status quo and very conservative.

The Empire is officially Zoroastrian.  Christians (typically Nestorian), Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and some old Babylonian and Greek faiths all find welcome within the borders.   The Zoroastrian faith is ancient and holds that a Creator force of Good is in conflict with a force of Evil, and that all humans have a choice. The Zoroastrian faith also hold Truth, of all types, as a form of Good.  The faith also preaches a stewardship for nature.

The Empire has benefited from the land and sea "Silk Road" from China, and served as intermediary for nearly 2,500 years. Some of the oldest cities in the world are part of the Empire.

The Empire is a "Hydraulic Empire", where the State is critical for maintenance and planning of long term infrastructure such as quanats (underground aqueducts), dams, irrigation, roads. When combined with the Zoroastrian stewardship ethos, this makes the State responsible for such things as soil conservation, forestry, etc.

The result is a Parthia far more verdant than today's Iran/Afghanistan.  The State is entrusted- and has been for 2500 years- with responsible land management. The Zorastorism concepts of balance with nature results in stewardship being a goal.  The roads, dams and irrigation systems are built and maintained as part of the State's core trust. The valleys have irrigated crops and rice paddies.  Gentle hills are terraced for agriculture, steeper hills have orchards and forests.  Grazing is dispersed and lower in intensity so that areas are not denuded of plants.

The Empire has been fighting the Byzantine Empire since Roman Times. The Romans invaded starting in 54BCE, leading to 1,964 years of repeated conflict. The last great war in 1872 saw the loss of Parthian's holdings west of the Tigris, including the ruins of Ctesiphon, the capital sacked by the Muslims in 651AD.

Parthia has also repeatedly waged war against the Golden Horde to the North, and the Hindi states to the East, suffering humiliation in Gujarat in 1896. Parthia was rent by civil war in 1848, as the burgeoning mercantile class demanded more freedoms. While the revolt was put down, the Emperor called a conference, and eventually decreed reforms.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Quietly borrows format for IRR synopsis.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon

Kaiser Kirk

Question :

How long are the MTB-As?
1) Can I call them 20m? that's what I had been presuming
2) If not, how long are they, and does anyone mind greatly that I tinker with my dock lengths so I can fit 2 at once ?  If I delete 1x 50m I can make 9x 50m ->55m, and then stick 1 x 5m elsewhere, probably the floating dock.

I was presuming (for some reason) that 40t MTB-As would be 20m long.
20m + 10m +20m = 50m... so I could build 2 at a time in my 50m docks.
Like all <500ton vessels they take 6 months to build, 40% must be in dock.

2.4 months in dock + 1 month gap + 2.4 months in dock.... etc.. works out to 3 .5 per year... so 6 / dock / year.  I could build 12/year to keep my squadrons fresh quite easily.

Except doing some digging, there is precious little on MTB lengths. I found that Vosper 70ft was 34-40t, and Vosper 72 was 42 tons. 
Those would be 21+ m.

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


I would be ok with assigning a generic length for MTBs. Unless someone really wants to go to bat for another, 20m sounds fine for A Class.
You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye
Who cheer when solider lads march by
Sneak home and pray that you'll never know
The hell where youth and laughter go.
-Siegfried Sassoon