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Posted: Sep 9 2005, 09:48 PM

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Glorious France has decided on taking righteous action in a field long neglected: science. With the proper funding and procurement of materials a valiant expidition will be launched towards the Pacific Coast of the Anuhuac Empire, who have gratiosuly agreed to cooperate in this scientific endeavour. The goals of this expedition include the study of and preparation for the creation of a canal similar to the Suez Canal, with experienced engineers and sufficient work forces.

In order to achieve this goal, Glorious France would appreciate a more restrained attitude from other nations involved in this region, so as to better serve the noble cause of scientific research and economic improvement.

Posted: Sep 9 2005, 10:20 PM

King of Rohan

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So....France is going to try to build a canal in the middle of a war zone?...Or will they try in Gran Columbia's state of Panama?
Posted: Sep 11 2005, 04:18 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Im pretty sure France has somthing nastier up its sleve, then again NS distrust anything French.
Posted: Sep 11 2005, 04:58 PM

King of Rohan

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Well either this is bad timing on the part of their engineering company, or a cleaver responce to the German troops set to New Beleriand.

The fair warning is that this is a war zone and the tide of war could shift unexpectantly. Rohan would advise against this action, to avoid any unpleasent incidents, either involving French citizens caught between Rohan and Anahuac combatants, or between Frence and German citizens. Rohan will take no responcibility for French losses in the war zone, as France should know better then to place civilians in harms way.
Posted: Sep 11 2005, 08:10 PM

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We of France thank the concern of Rohan for our enginering corps.
But we have all hope in a peacefull solution to all the potential problems caused by the little diplomatic incident between The Anuhuac Empire and Rohan.

Our Anuhuac friends did gave us the confidence the conflict zone never can reach our field of interest.

If that would happen, France stands neutral in this conflict, and this our encampments and field laboratoria will be well signalized as a French position ,and we stress out, any harm done to our peacefull, scientific mission will be repaid , with interest.

The distrust of New Swiss in our Mid American endevour is a bit misplaced, and we would offer that they send a team of there own to join our scientific expedition. To estabilish better contacts to further the peace and prosperety in this world.
Posted: Sep 11 2005, 09:08 PM

King of Rohan

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Our Anuhuac friends did gave us the confidence the conflict zone never can reach our field of interest.

That would depend greatly on where the field of interest is located.

The neutrality of the encampment will be suspect should the project be on Gondorian lands captured in the first nine month of this war. As has been stated, fair warning has been given, and while French citizens will not be considered targets nor enemies until they are found to be breaking their vow of neutrality.
Posted: Sep 14 2005, 12:30 PM

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A message telegraphed to newspapers over the world


Given the Belicose attitude of New Swiss, and the agreements of even waring countries to repulse the New Swiss from our sovereign waters we are not going to cause reason for war.
And will not send the taskforce to rout the imaginary French Pirats or privateers in the French waters around Klipperton Island.

In place we will send out a hospital vessel, operated by the French Red Cross to these troubled waters. As it seems that new Swiss is spoiling for dead and destruction we peacefull French will not be the reason of these kind of atrocities.

We also hereby call to all countries over the world to aid this human answer to warmongering, and give the neutral vessel a good welcom and any reasonable support when crossing your waters.

Also, we ask humbly to any other neutral country, to supply an escort, as we pledge to send escorts with simular vessels, where French ships can be neutral.
Posted: Sep 14 2005, 07:54 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Given the Belicose attitude of New Swiss...As it seems that new Swiss is spoiling for dead and destruction we peacefull French will not be the reason of these kind of atrocities.

People of the World look and listen! They who cause death now accuse us of they're crimes. Who is it that supports an inhumane and cruel regime? Who is it that supports bloodthirsty pirates?

They dont send ships to root out the pirates. Why? "A house divided a pun itself will not stand" they cannot battle their own ships. Not that one might think they're scared.

So they send out a Hospital ship escorted by Neutrals. What a perfect way to send supplies to pirates. Who would suspect of a Red Cross ship? And those scheming French know full well that we dont attack neutrals.

Let it be know that he who helps the protector of pirates, helps the pirates. We of New Switzerland will not commit atrocities against "unarmed" Hospital ships. We will give it a free and unmolested passage. But let their conciense burn if so much as a loaf of bread onboard is destined for the pirates.
Posted: Sep 14 2005, 08:42 PM

King of Rohan

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In Rohan, the closest thing to a pirate in the last several hundred years has been the Harlock family. Now those were honorable pirates. Privateers they could have been called had they actually had a letter from the king. And while we have no need for pirates or privateers in this day and age, the Harlock family has produced the best anti-raider commanders in the fleet. Heros of the Mark, they earned their title in war against the Spanish three hundred years ago, and again during the fall of the Norman Kingdoms. Lord Harlock's victory this last season is a testment to what one with pirate blood can do to an enemy.
Posted: Sep 15 2005, 12:13 AM

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Diplomatic dispatc, publicized in Paris Temps

Again New Swiss shows its warmongering insulting face again.

New Swiss officials escorted by other neutrals are welcome aboard the Hospitalship  FSS Galamente. So they can see that France isn't the pirate provider they want us to be.   

We of France have patience.

Le Monde, English translation.

New Swiss , a country of outcasts and successors of fleeing cowards has started a worldwide public slandercampagne.
The voice of the French people calls out for  peace and advance, not war. But with countries like this New Swiss made of old rotten blood, the Courage and Honor of France could cry out for satisfaction.
Beware New Swiss, it is just for leaders like your country has, we unfortunatly still spend money on warmachines and armies in stead of using this to better the world.
Posted: Sep 15 2005, 03:08 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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New Swiss , a country of outcasts and successors of fleeing cowards has started a worldwide public slandercampagne.
Who is it that resorts to slander? They call us outcasts and cowards. We are not cowards. We were driven from OUR lands.

But hear this, We shall return!
Posted: Sep 16 2005, 11:54 AM

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Paris Temps

The New Swiss reaction on the news posted in the Tabloïd Le Monde.

But hear this, We shall return!

Is again seemingly a cry for war.
As Stated, if New Swiss wants war with France, that they declare war.

If peacefull citizens from New Swiss want to return to the old lands where they leaders robbed them from, they are welcom.
The only people who are not welcom are people who think that they can use weapons to instill their own rule on French ground.
Posted: Sep 16 2005, 12:53 PM

King of Rohan

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Osgiliath University Press

September 16, 1899

With all the rumbling of war between the New Swiss and French, the local students have begun to take bets oh what day that war would start and where it would be fought. The date with the biggest bet so far is July 14, 1900. Second is October 3, 1899. They figure their is no sense it waiting too much longer if the hate is that great. This body of students figures in the combined hatred from the New Swiss and Pacific Germans could be used as a condensed cannon of flame, France would burn for three months before anyone would even think of trying to put out the flames.

As the New Swiss are in the Pacific Ocean, and France itself is in Europe, the local poltical science students are trying to deturmine how the Swiss intend to take Normandy and Brittany back. Rumors of German assistance in return for Bavaria, and Dutch assistance for French Indo China are widely speculated by the students. But the final question is how will Rohan manage to stay out of the way of these two powers while enbroiled in the middle of their own war with the enemy of the south?

Only time will tell.
Posted: Sep 16 2005, 03:08 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Im afraid their going to lose alot of money. Theres going to be alot of dissapointed people.
Posted: Sep 16 2005, 03:56 PM

The Russian Empire

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Yes, a lot of money will be spend, if the war starts. That's why i suggest you all to think over your budjets and decide if there is enougth money till victory.

France has more chances to win the rase.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Paris Temps

We of France morn about all the lost lifes at the battles of Clipperton.
And bow our heads in shame because New Swiss was right about the Island of Clipperton being used as a resupply base for pirates.
We also are thankfull to, yes,  New Swiss to eradicate this treath and menace of the 7 seas.
We also thank Rohan for keeping true in their word and asking the New Swiss vessels to leave the Clipperton waters.
Regret in the heart we see that our warning to Rohan and Anuhuac was correct and that the whole situation was used as a way to wage war.
In recognition of all the hero's of these Battle France will put a memorial on Clipperton. Where all victims of politics gone wrong will be remembered.
If all countries will send the list of warvictims, we can engrave then in the gold plaque that will be in the foot of the Memorial.

Le Monde

Victory and justification for the New Swiss, or a elaborate hoax?Pirates or show?
Did New Swiss did lure their treaty partners in a trap?
As now it is clear that our gouvernements warning towards the Courageous and honorable people of Rohan and the Spirited Anuhuac concerning the Clipperton Island proved Correct.
We of Le Monde see that New Swiss used 2 expendable lightly armed old sailing ships to lure Rohan Vessels in an elaborate trap. In the mean while making France the scapegoat.  We understand and regret the Anuhuac/Rohan War, but alas, war is  the only solution when politics fail. But War is also a question of Honor and Courage, not low cunning and backstabbing.
To make our article short. The French people hope to know the full truth,and we ask our gouvernement to dig deep to find it all.

Paris Temps

The question by Rohan of our French honesty in connection to the Clipperton battles that New Swiss captured a French merchant that resupplied Pirates at the island hurts France to the soul. But We are sure, if it was a French Merchant vessel, but we don't miss one now, it was there in good faith.

If New Swiss did take French citizens in custody in the Clipperton Battles, we would ask, treat them like innocents untill guilt is proven. We even would ask New Swiss , if this is so, we only want to send observers of the trials. No interference, no demands of repatriation.
If Guilt is proven, the French penalty on aiding and abetting pirates is lifelong forced labor in the coal mines.

Le Monde

Breaking News.  The Russian/French expedition Cruiser Diana picked up an Anuhuac survivor around the Clipperton Island.
This man claims he was  a crewmember of one of the sunken "pirate" ships, armed merchant cruisers in service of an Anuhuac Priest send there to lure out the alledged pirates.
Now we ask New Swiss, where are the real pirates. Or, like we already thought, are there pirates?
If any person with the intelligence above "rubarb" looks at the facts.
New Swiss claims french sponsored pirate activity around Clipperton
Every nation sends out a naval force to hunt pirates.
New Swiss arrives very soon, about together with the Cruiser Diana, even if they have the longest way to go.
By all means they catch the 2 pirates together with a resupply ship.At the island.
Precognition or inside job?
We would say. New Swiss is playing a deep game. Helping the Anuhuac lure out and sink or damage Rohan vessels,Treaty partners to boot. Making France the bad guy over the world, justifying their warmongering.
It wouldn't surprise us that now they will launch the news that the  captured merchant is a French vessel,manned by French personel, resupplying French pirate vessels.
Posted: Sep 18 2005, 11:10 PM

King of Rohan

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OCC: One question...does France use Napoleonic Law? If so, would not the parties be considered guilty until proven innocent? It just sounds strange to her hear the French asking that someone be considered innocent until proven guilty. But that could just be me.

(Note: I may be incorrect here...I'm going by what I have heard about the Napoleonic Code over the years.)

Edit by Maddox. It depends on interpretation of the Code Napoleon.
Our France uses the Innocent untill proven guilty.
Posted: Sep 23 2005, 12:31 AM

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Paris Temps.

Is war the only solution, is the unwilling military might of France the only way to erase the New Swiss slander?
In a last efford for peace our Glorious gouvernement is sending a direct diplomatic mission to New Swiss. If possible a big round table conference with the allies of New Swiss , Deutsche Kaiserreich Brandenburg and The Netherlands.

Even with the treath of war, France and the Anuhuac Empire will start working on the Big Canal between the Carraïbian and the Pacific. Preliminairy geological studies and the experience gained by the Suez Canal give the partners all confidence that it is a big, expensive but worthwhile efford.
Material and experienced engineers are already being shipped to the workzone.
France and the Anuhuac Empire recognise the titanic scale of this project ,and invite every country or big industrialist to join the efforts.

Information Marine nationale
In a joint excercise le Marine Nationale and The Caliphate navy will operate ships in the Red Sea.

Posted: Sep 23 2005, 12:44 AM

King of Rohan

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Rohan has again asked the French governement, where does it intend to place this "Big Canal" they keep talking about?

Aside from news that they are confident that they and the Empire can build a second Suez type canal here in the jungles and mountain between Caribbean and Pacific, we have never heard a specific location or even a remotely general area for this marvel.

Rohan will continue to ask as to where this project's area is, should it be in Anahuac territory or the few remaining recently captured Gondorian lands, Rohan will warn and depending on the timing of French movements and land usage, protest their activities in what is clearly a hostile area between two rival powers. Neither of those powers being France. Sending volunteer forces, or even openly supporting ones enemy can be considered normal in war, but sending a team of engineers to start a grand project on foreign soil in the middle of a war seems foolhardy. Rohan would think the French governement to be wiser then to place their own people into a dangerous area.
Posted: Sep 26 2005, 09:30 PM

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Paris Temps

"Piracy in the Carraïbian?
The Merchant ship Cognaille loaded with supplies and men to start the build of the great canal is overdue.  No storms, hurricanes or squalls are reported on the route of this ship. Our gouvernement asks all ships on the route between San Domingo and Colon to look out for any sign of the FMB Cognaille, and will pay a good reward for any clue solving this mistery.

Paris temps

The glorious battleship Neptune of the mediteranian fleet is sunk. 1 lifeboat with surviors reached Corsica.
The investigation is still going on, but according to the first information released by the naval department the forward powderroom exploded after a fire in a galley.
Witnesses of the arrival of the survivors claim that one of the heavy wounded marines was yelling "sabotage, sabotage, war" when officials recieved them and urgent medical aid was administred.

Le monde

Police drives out protestors in the port of Le Havre. Several wounded.
The protest was aimed at the promise of the gouvernement to admit and ressuply the New Swiss Cruiser. No New Swiss No warmongers was the rally cry.
A firebomb was trown at the diplomatic ship that is being readied for a last hope on permanent peace. The trower is captured and is currently in custody. Rumors go that  the perpetrator isn't French and was using the protest march to hide his evil plans.
Posted: Sep 26 2005, 09:38 PM

King of Rohan

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"Piracy in the Carraïbian?
The Merchant ship Cognaille loaded with supplies and men to start the build of the great canal is overdue.  No storms, hurricanes or squalls are reported on the route of this ship. Our gouvernement asks all ships on the route between San Domingo and Colon to look out for any sign of the FMB Cognaille, and will pay a good reward for any clue solving this mistery.

In responce to this report, Rohan will attempt to do a search, but as most of the fleet is occupied or out of commission, the probability of finding the missing merchant is slim. Unless it happens to be on one of the patrol routes of our remaining anti-raider forces, Rohan doubts that it will find this missing ship. Even the damaged Eldacar will be sent out to search, but even the heros like Harlock do not always find the missing ships in time.
Posted: Sep 30 2005, 07:15 PM

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Le Monde

"Police has routed a protest march against the  New Swiss Cruiser Pegasus.
Why does the Gouvernement protect warmongering backstabbing lying cowards?
What makes them so precious?
If New Swiss wants war, lets give them war....

Le Monde

New Swiss sailors call our warships ugly.Tastes differ all over the world. And we have to admit, Our Glorious warships aren't build to be aesteticaly pleasing, but to fight wars, and be victorous.

But it seems the sailors love our ladies of negotiable affection. Whatever they are, comments from the ladies call the New Swiss sailors vigorous.

Paris Temps

Again New Swiss accuses France of Piracy and supporting pirates.  Even our peacefull people are getting annoyed, and woices in the parliament are raising the qustion of war to erase the insults

The french President declared to the New Swiss accusations

France did lose 1 freigther to seemingly piracy, and that was the good ship Cognille, lost in the Caraïbian, and found looted.

France will reward the Rohirrim warhero and finder of the ship Captain Harloc with the Order of the Brasiere and the finders fee of 10% of the value of the Cognille will be shared between the crew of Captain Harlock's ship.

Paris Temps

The mayor of Le Havre is very pleased to have met the officers of the  New Swiss cruiser  Pegasus.
He told our reporters.
"Whatever the politicians in New Swiss try to accomplish, I was very glad to entertain the  few officers who could  free themselfs from direct duties to the ship. Well educated, friendly men, very concious of duty.
But when it comes to party, they did show us some new approaches. My niece especially is already very sorry they left."

Paris Temps
A few dozen hotheaded young men tried to get to the New Swiss cruiser Pegasus , resupplying in the French Harbor Le Havre.  The police, wary of the latest demonstations lately against warmongering and politics gone wrong was in place in force. The  demonstration dissolved peacefully. After interogation the few detained hotheads were released.
Posted: Oct 1 2005, 10:54 AM


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But it seems the sailors love our ladies of negotiable affection. Whatever they are, comments from the ladies call the New Swiss sailors vigorous.

Posted: Oct 1 2005, 08:41 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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As said before,

Our French "friends" are mistaken. No sailor was allowed of the ship. Those on shore were SSS officers. The SSS is suposedly pleased at the results.

Posted: Oct 2 2005, 12:40 AM

King of Rohan

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And who at the editors desk of "Le Monde" will know the difference between SSS officers and sailors? To them, anyone who come off a ship that is not a passager is probably a sailor.
Posted: Oct 3 2005, 08:31 AM

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Paris Temps 31 october 1899

The noble French pionering French aviator Santos Dumont has made a lasting impression in the Paris skyline, alfter demonstrating his Number 4 airship, in a glorious, daring and almost succeded attempt to win the 100 00 franks of the Deutsch de la Meurthe prize.
The flight from the Parc Saint Cloud to the Eifeltower and back was cut short by a gust of wind that changed the winning course to a colision with the Eifeltower.
The ensuing fireworks display of the flaming hydrogen gas did everybody think the worse for the inveritable inventor. But soon Mr Dumont was freed from his tenacious position, hanging in the wreckage of the gondola supported by the stalward Eifeltowers iron crossbeams.
He already annoced that he won't stop his attempts to let the Glory of France to the heavens.

Le Monde

What follies next? In an evermore amazing display of wasting money the authorities saw fit to allow Mr Dumont to execute his next example of enginering genius. The flaming wreckage wich ensued caused luckely no victims. Except for damaged paint on the industrial eyesore in the skyline of Paris, the Eifeltower, no great losses were inflicted.
How far will this squandering of public safety and money go? What is the purpose of such a dangerous carnival attraction?

Paris Temps.

The 2 great French liners SS Bernadette and SS Suzette and the 10 000 tons freighter SS Magadi left for the Great Canalzone, our great enginering force will be traveling in great style.
To ensure the safety of these 3 very important ships the 2 big protected cruisers Gloire and the newest ship in her shakedown cruise Indomptable will do the honors of escort.
Posted: Oct 4 2005, 11:17 AM

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Paris Temps

In a daring naval enginering efford the Gouvernement will sponsor the French Society Geographique to attempt the raising of the sunk merchant Prins Frederik.
This ship sunk after a collision with another ship and lies on the edge of the deeper part of the Gulf of Biskaye. The new technologies needed to reach the dazzling depths involved are a real breaktrough and will show Glorious France as the scientific state it is.
Posted: Oct 5 2005, 10:08 AM

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Paris Temps

Mystery in Cameroon. The panic messages from Monsieur Leclerc, Commissaire de Population Cameronienne, about the instant depopulation of the 2 small villages around lake Nyos noped the French gouvernement to send out an investigative team of the Institute Louis Pasteur to the area. Monsieur Leclerc missed this occurence by hours, so there is a way to find scientific evidence of what would happened.

Le Monde

Catastrophal deaths in Cameroon. Act of nature, God or human induced?
Our reporters got eye witness accounts who tell about instant deaths. Unharmed, untouched bodies seemingly dropping dead on the spot they were doing something. Even a couple in a nuptial pose has been found.
Illnes, weapon or poison is what we ask? No known illness kills a person that fast. Neither is there a way to spread any posion that strong instantaniously over that wide an area. And for weapons, no damages to bodies or possessions are reported.
How will our incompetent gouvernement protect his people against a danger like this?
Posted: Oct 6 2005, 09:13 AM

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Le Monde

Our inept Gouvernement spending money on a treasure hunt?
The salvage operation concerning the Dutch boat Pince Frederique seems nothing more than a clumsy attempt to get to the milion silverpieces in the warchest, the pay for the Dutch NEI troops.
We would urge the voters to choose more wisely at the next elections.

The build of the madmans folly, "The Great Canal" is proving to be very costly in human life. Already several dozen French engineers are send back to France, or in a sickbed, or in a coffin. No figures about illness among the localy hired workers are released, but witnesses report great loss of life.
The hospital ship, originaly ment for defusing the tensions in the Pacific is staying in the Caraïbian as well.

Paris Temps
22 december

Our diplomatic ship is greeted with a huge show by the New Swiss, at the border of  their Terretorial waters.
Our gouvernement hopes the best for the upcoming negotiations, and a lasting effect on the tensions rising in the Pacific.

Le Monde
22 december

Big Gun Diplomacy?  Our moneyspending gouvernements pleasuretrip to New Swiss was greeted with drawn guns. A lot of very big guns. Even including battleships, to greet an oversized ,way too expensive yacht filled with equally overpayed bureaucrats and politicians.
it would be against the peacefull intentions of our newspapers redaction, but why didn't New Swiss shoot those hot airbags on sight? That would be honnest at least.
Posted: Oct 6 2005, 05:58 PM

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Diplomatic Dispatch.

"After 10 years on French seafloor, the sunken ship Pince Frederique, to wich the Netherlands never did even ask for, nor asked the French gouvernement to allow a salvage operation in French waters suddenly is of interest?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


 Le Monde

Our bumbling gouvernement seems bend on war suddenly. We got messages that  ships from Deutche Kaiserreich Brandenburg , New Swiss and The Netherlands are denied acces to the Suez Canal.
Also, complaints from sailors about heightened very punctual time consuming custom controls made by arrogant officials are getting more vocal.

We ask the French people, what  do we think about these harrasments?
We of Le Monde know what we think.  Incompetent moneywasting hot air blowing  politicians are playing with our future. Unfortunatly, we as a people elected them, and we have to ride this term out, still 2 years to go before the next election.
Posted: Oct 12 2005, 12:44 PM

The Flying Dutchman

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We did not realize that permission was needed to retreive our own possesions. The dutch salvage company of de Bruggesnik and Sons has been contracted by the Dutch Government to retreive the cargo from the Prinz Frederik 3 yrs ago as they had the most expereince and the technology to do the job.

The French were not contacted because the operation was still in the planning stage, and that the cargo was not generally known. We believe that the French received word of the plans and then announced to the world their own plans to usurp the rightful owners claim.
Posted: Oct 12 2005, 01:27 PM

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Diplomatic dispatch.

The salvage of the Prince frederique was not ment to aquire any wealth or as a treasure hunt. The stories about a big silvertreasure on board this merchant ship is nothing more than seamans stories like seamonsters or saling over the edge of the world.

The reason why the wreck , resting in souvereign French costal waters, is choosen to be salvaged, is the challenge of the depth, but with the ease of reach from the port of Brest.

If the Dutch gouvernement had claimed salvage rights upon the time the Captain Klaas Visman was found guilty -by a neutral court- ignoring sealaw, France gladly would have let the Dutch salvage firms into French waters to reclaim the wreck.

But now, when tensions are already high, to have spurious claims and explanations about the wreck. Even demanding explanations what to do in our own waters.
That seems making an already delicate situation even more problematic.

To avoid further problems, and to defuse this situation. Peacefull France will salvage the wreck, and will send every bit of wreckage to the Netherland port of Ostend. If the Netherlands agree on partialy funding this.
A win win situation for both countries. You, The Netherlands get your "treasureship" back, for less cost than expected, and France still get the experience and feedback on the technology invented by French engineers, build by French technicians and operated by experienced French salvagin personel.

But if the Netherlands don't agree with this peacefull solution. Then we'll have to use the Solomo solution. And will remove the wreck with explosives. If Dutch ships are found in the neighborhood of the wreck, they will be escorted out of French waters.
Posted: Oct 12 2005, 02:59 PM

King of Rohan

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Rohan would ask the Netherlands and France to not engage in salvage operations on a potental grave sight. "The Dead have a temper, and it is best not to wake them."
Posted: Oct 12 2005, 03:26 PM

The Flying Dutchman

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Diplomatic dispatch

The Netherlands will agree to 50/50 operation;
Both countries will benifit by sharing technology and the rewards and well as the dangers.

Lets leave the Navies of both in port and let the civilians work together in peace and mutaul co-operation.
Posted: Oct 14 2005, 11:12 AM

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Paris Temps

In a daring enginering feat the Shipyards at St Nazare will be enlarging the Napoleon III Battleship, just in build

The Minister of Defence ordered the build of the Biggest, strongest battleship on earth, as soon as possible.  Because the blemishes on the coat of arms delivered by degrading the Glorious Battleships France has "as too ugly to sink with the size of a mere cruiser"

The inventive members of the Ministers Cabinet delivered the ultimate idea to fit a 200 foot section in the hull of the  Napoleon III. Adding engine rooms and main turrets. Delivering a ship with the sleek lines of a greyhound and the combative power of a pride of lions

Le Monde

The less intelligent members of our tarnished gouvernement ordered the build of a bigger moneypit, called battleship. With already more than a dozen of these resourcewasting monsters in build.  Le Minister of Defence seems fit to outdo himself in Stupidity.
The biggest battleship on earth, build now so we have it tomorrow.
And then the idea that a bunch of bureaucrats can  build a bigger battleship by riveting 2 ships together. The redaction doesn't know anything about shipbuilding, but if the designing of a new ship takes years, and this is done in a few nights?
Posted: Oct 15 2005, 04:39 PM

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Paris Temps 26 december 1899

Offical report/diplomatic dispatch
Fighting in the Great Canal zone.  Escaping Anuhuac citizens asking assistance and support to protect them from roving bands of pillaging, plundering and raping bands of soldiers.
The French Foreign Legion officers dispatched to the defence of the Great Works report skirmishes along the zone borders. "Mercenary roving bands are deliberatly plundering Anuhuac Villages along the Canal Zone now the disarmenent and deportation of the Anuhuac soldiers is well under way.
A ragged platoon of Condor Legion mercenaries is in custody after being found deep in the Canal zone, after questioning they will be send to the Deutsche Kaiserreich Brandenburg consulate  in the Dutch colony of Suriname.
Now the fighting would have been stopped in the Canal zone, there is no reason why  Brandenburger mercenaries or Confederate volunteers need to be in this area.
Posted: Oct 15 2005, 04:58 PM

King of Rohan

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(The only thing lacking the these news reports is dates)

January 15, 1900

With other bands of Anahuac soldiers in New Rhun fighing on, the Rohirrim have requested that the Legion Kondor remain for three to six more months to assist in removing pockets of resistance. Once the situation with armed Anahuac troops in New Rhun have been quelled, the Legion will be released.

Confederate personel from the Legion of Freedom have been in the front lines as the Army of Gondor attempts to secure the outer territories of the Anahuac Empire. Reports are sketchy on their loses to date, but the fighting is reportedly getting fiercer as Rohan closes on the inner territories of the Enemies Empire.
Posted: Oct 20 2005, 09:54 AM

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Paris temps
Januari 14
The Cameroon Mystery, still baffles the scientists of the Pasteur institute. Non of the people died of illness albeit a lot of people carried diseases normal for the area.
It seems people suffocated, or died by massive carbon monoxide poisoning.
The main question. How do you suffocate in plain air?
Monsieur Leclerc declared the area non inhabitable. Only the scientists and their protectors, an infantry unit, are allowed to stay there.

Le Monde
January 18
Talks about an impasse during the diplomats pleasure trip to New Swiss, combined with leaked information from the Foreign ministry-or is that misery- does let us think that our inept gouvernement is doing a kneefall for the even more arrogant and warmongering New Swiss.
First the gouvernement lets New Swiss insulting Us, the Great French Republic, without repose
Then they give up a leased colony without warning. Stranding several 1000 French citizens,and insulting a long time treaty partner.
And now they don't even make a fuss about the new insult to The Caliphate and the slap in the face to France  by immediatly helping the few French convicts in Central Australia declaring independance and even worse. Starting a war over a big pile of sand.
1 bright spot, somewere in the gouvernement there must be a guy who used 3 non intoxicated braincells ,and now a small group of ships is trying to outsail the coming war, to repatriate any loyal French citizen still on Australian soil.

Le Monde
January 18
The greater Folie? The name of the monstrosity in build in the dammed off inlet nearby St Nazaire, that incestious mating between 2 sisterships, that tireless effort in puckability and bureaucratic meddling is probably going to be called "Greater Napoleon".  "Greater moneypit" "Greater madness" or "greater block of sinking lead" sound  more appropriate.
On the Other side, it does show off how good our shipbuilders are.  Even if it is an pet project from the ministry of defence, the works go very fast. And it seems the people building this monstrosity according to the hairbrained plans the minsitry cooked up are sparing no effort to build this ship as fast as possible. Barges with steel are pouring in as fast as a politician spends money on his own comfort.
Posted: Oct 20 2005, 01:23 PM

The Flying Dutchman

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1 bright spot, somewere in the gouvernement there must be a guy who used 3 non intoxicated braincells ,and now a small group of ships is trying to outsail the coming war, to repatriate any loyal French citizen still on Australian soil.

The Netherlands will allow any French citizen who choses to leave New Belgium may do so. Those that chose to remain will retain all properties held at the time of the Dutch landings. They will also receive full representation in the new colonial office.
Posted: Oct 20 2005, 02:31 PM

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Official telex to all.

Any French Citizen staying at the Australian lands after the 3 A sister  liners are departing to France, will not be recognized any longer as French citizens. Nor can they claim to have any bounds to the former native country then.

This is to avoid further entanglements with the Tripple alliance in name of France on the Australian continent.
Posted: Oct 23 2005, 04:02 AM

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Le Monde

Richmond Telegraph, 28 January 1900
"The Confederate States' Navy has been instructed to withdraw its' observers from the New Swiss blockade vessels off of the Californian coast. In view of the complete absence of any misconduct reported in the last months, and the termination of the piracy in the Pacific Ocean, there is no more need for their services, and the risk of their involvement in the Australian War is too great."

We of Le Monde, sceptical as we are, do agree with this .
The claims New Swiss made about pirates supported by France terrorizing the Pacific stopped abrubtly after New Swiss dispatched troops to the little French island of Clipperton.
After this pinprick, and the footfall our moronic gouvernement made in that debacle, New Swiss is aiming for bigger fish. Australia.

Posted: Oct 24 2005, 04:26 AM

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Paris Temps 18 january 1900

"To further the Treaty Of Versailles, France started to lay down a railway line from Paris To St-Petersburg, and later on to other designated cities at the European side of Russia.
Bavaria already offered a track trough their beautifull lands, so passengers can enjoy the trip in splendor."
Posted: Oct 24 2005, 04:42 AM

Sultan Abdul Hamid

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The ottoman Empire are looking for investors for building East Express Railway...
Posted: Oct 24 2005, 05:00 AM

The Russian Empire

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The Russian Ministry of Communications begins to update its european most important routes. New routes, especially Warshaw - Brest - Vilno - Pskov - St. Peterburg and Brest - Smolensk - Moscow. The routes will be two-lines now with electric semaphores and other modern facilities. The Ministry also begins negotiations with CSoA firms for buying their new types of locomotives.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Posted: Oct 25 2005, 01:31 AM


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The Ministry also begins negotiations with CSoA firms for buying their new types of locomotives.

The Government of the Confederate States of America will not attempt to block such a purchase of locomotives. The railway engineering companies will, however, need to be approached directly.

OOC: With a large enough cheque. The companies'll certainly sell them if the price is right.

Posted: Oct 25 2005, 02:34 AM

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Paris Temps. 27 January 1900

breaktrough in the negotiations with New Swiss.

A parting speach of the French Diplomats to the assembled notables attending the negotiations.

France will graciously lease the Island of Clipperton to the New Swiss people, for the agreed time and payments.

Also,  France hopes that New Swiss holds true to its word, and will retract the insults about piracy connected to France.
Hereby fullfilling the New Swiss demand of excuses.

"We of France, give our sincire excuses for any piratical acts in the Pacific, any other ocean or sea. Wich are commited by pirates nor privaters in French pay, nor supported by France in any way.
Especialy we regret the piratical acts on the freighter M. not being supported by France."
Posted: Oct 26 2005, 12:53 AM

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Paris Temps 1 february 1900

The French Cruiser Isly, is going on station along the Brazilian coast.

Joining the aging battleship  Devastation to patrol the waters along the South American coast.
Posted: Oct 28 2005, 11:31 AM

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Paris temps 28 Februari 1900


A stunning proposal by senator George Français Delami is strangely enough accepted with a majority in the Senate, what means that only a presidential veto would stop it.

"France is working on the reputation as peacemaker for the world.
The actions in the Great Canal Zone saved the lives of at least several 1000 Anuhuac and Rohirrim soldiers.
The acceptance of the unanswered insults of New Swiss, and even the second hand capitulation of Clipperton Island to avoid bloody war.
The actions that saved  1000's of lives on the Caliphate transport.
The generous offer of the free relocation of  the Dutch settlers on Australia.
The  Treaty of Versailles effectively giving peace a chance in Europe. Who is going to wage war against the combined forces of Russia and France?
Let us stimulate this kind of selfless actions over the world, done by other countries who matured to the higher place of excistence.   Peace over war.
I hereby nominate The netherlands, for their acceptance of the rightfull claim of The Caliphate on Australia and the generous offer to give New Belgium to our esteemed allies The Caliphate of Caïro without any demand for payment, to be rewarded.
I hereby ask the French people, and my estemed collegues to reward The Netherlands. I propose the deed of the Northern half of Indochina to The Netherlands, to resettle the displaced Dutch colonists of New Belgium and to forge the unbreakable ties of peace, prosperity and France.
Liberté, Fraternité,Egalité
Posted: Oct 28 2005, 01:51 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Bribery! tongue.gif
Posted: Oct 28 2005, 04:31 PM

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Bribery huh.gif ohmy.gif

Normaly a bribe is given before the act or service is performed.

France would call this a pre-nobel price for peace.
Posted: Oct 28 2005, 06:35 PM

King of Rohan

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Or a problem waiting to happen....that area would be what we use to call North Vietnam and Laos.
Posted: Oct 28 2005, 07:43 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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Hmm, I thought the Dutch 'coup' was in early March?

(assuming mid-March:)

The DKB doesn't comment on the matter. Why? Stay tuned...

Posted: Oct 29 2005, 03:59 AM

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OOC, We will have to work on a beter date coordination. Now the frequency of newsroom message is gone up, and people posting their own interpretation of dates.

Something like "ever day IRL, is 4 days in the sim" this allows us to play a year in a quarter. Or even 6 to 1. Anti dating messages is possible, if you coordinate with the already posted facts. First come first serve.

Posted: Oct 29 2005, 10:53 AM

King of Rohan

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Placing the date in bold at the top might help others see it.
Posted: Oct 30 2005, 09:50 AM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Something like "ever day IRL, is 4 days in the sim" this allows us to play a year in a quarter. Or even 6 to 1. Anti dating messages is possible, if you coordinate with the already posted facts. First come first serve.
Problem is we are sometimes gone for some reason. Id say just post the date in big bold letters.


They say they want peace. But actions speak louder than word. Have they acted peacefully? NO! They havent layed a path for peace but cleared the way for war! They havent stopped the war retorics of their Cairo puppets. It is Cairo who wants war, not us. They are readying to attack a free and independant nation. Whta does France say: Liberté, Fraternité,Egalité! Rubbish all. They have helped a beligrent nation increase her offensive forces in preparation to attacking a small nation. That L6 infantry division is not deffensive. And by crippiling the Triple Alliance, France has removed the most powerful detterent to Cairo. They speak of peace and Liberty, but its all hollow. They are responsible for a coup, is that peace? They resort to bribery.

But we shall not retreat. We shall defend FRENCH settlers abandoned by their goverment to the last man!
Posted: Nov 1 2005, 10:50 AM

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OOC, simple and efficient, the date  a bit more clear.


New Swiss warmongering again. It seems our gracious gift of Clipperton wasn't understand correctly. It wasn't a capitulation. It was a way to avoid war.

France didn't abandon it settlers. Why does New Swiss think 3 A class Liners are waiting in the Harbor of Perth to take on the loyal citizens of France?

France recognized the futility of fighting for a area already claimed for centuries.

Also, the insult that France did instigate a coup in the Netherlands is again a way to get France in a war. We hereby publish a part of a diplomatic dispatch to the Netherlands send right after the coup.

If the Queen is harmed in any way, France will send in troops to restore order and give the Netherlands it's legitimate gouvernement back.

France does ask the Netherlands to aknowledge this.

About the "bribery". At the moment the deeding of Northern Indochina to a well meaning Neighboring country, to enhance any peaceprocess is just a proposal. Still needing the amendement of the President.

In any case, France will not engage in war, not because an upstart country of cowing runaway bigmounths is still shouting insults.

France will be investigating the leasing of Clipperton Island, as the hoped for results stay out, and the diplomats failed in the assigment.

France hereby ask the World to see trough the New Swiss lies, all meant to turn the world in a giant bloodbath, just for revenge of their outcasting- because they interfered with a ongoing peaceprocess-. It seems they didn't learn from their mistakes in the Past.
France will be gentle, and will let New Swiss stew on their Pacific islands. Their warmongering will get to the nerves of other countries closer to the new carved den of decandence called New Swiss.
Posted: Nov 1 2005, 11:34 AM

The Flying Dutchman

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France does ask the Netherlands to aknowledge this.

The French had NO part in the 'coup'. It was an internal affair.

(OOC)More news later about this.
Posted: Nov 2 2005, 04:00 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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New Swiss warmongering again. It seems our gracious gift of Clipperton wasn't understand correctly. It wasn't a capitulation. It was a way to avoid war.
Who dou you call warmongering? It is not us but your puppet state. They declared they would attack a small and defenceless country for no reason. And who helps them carry out their plan? Its not us.

France recognized the futility of fighting for a area already claimed for centuries.
We will not fight for the land. But for the right of the people to decide to be free.

Also, the insult that France did instigate a coup in the Netherlands is again a way to get France in a war. We hereby publish a part of a diplomatic dispatch to the Netherlands send right after the coup.
You might not have directly instigated the coup, but indirectly French actions have been cruicial to he coup.

In any case, France will not engage in war, not because an upstart country of cowing runaway bigmounths is still shouting insults.
Now who is calling the insults? All we do is protest an action, and we get called: cowing runaway bigmounths. We are not insulting anybody, its France who is dishing out insults.

France hereby ask the World to see trough the New Swiss lies, all meant to turn the world in a giant bloodbath, just for revenge of their outcasting- because they interfered with a ongoing peaceprocess-. It seems they didn't learn from their mistakes in the Past.
WE have learned from the past. But not you. YOu are turning the world into a bloodbath. Instead of calling a conference to avoid war, what do you do? You "save" a L6 infantry unit to fight that is interfiring with peace proceses.
Posted: Nov 2 2005, 04:56 PM

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France will not react on any New Swiss communique anymore.

Words don't work with idiots.  Deeds will.

Hereby the lease on Clipperton is revoked. As the conditions on the lease aren't met. In stead of revoking the insults, New Swiss is piling up more insults.

Hereby France will escort all the Caliphates convoys To Firanj, and will send in Troops to observe the evacuation of all non muslim inhabitants of Australia.

France will dedicate part of Madagaskar to any person willing to leave Firanj in a peacefull way. This to replace the Central Australian Republic.
This offer is temporary.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Posted: Nov 2 2005, 07:36 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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The DKB warns that the escorting of ships of a belligerent power within a warzone by vessels of a neutral is ethically and legally questionable. French ships escorting these convoys are hereby requested to be clearly and unmistakably marked, so that they are not targeted by mistake.
Posted: Nov 2 2005, 08:25 PM

King of Rohan

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March 29, 1900

Open Letter from Theocro King of Rohan.

To those parties involved in this matter directly or not,

Rohan requests that the matter of Clipperton Island be settled forthwith. If France and New Switzerland cannot handle their international affairs without the matter ending up being at our expense, Rohan would like to annex the island and have the matter be over with. The matter of this island has cost Rohan too much already and with it being near the primary sea lane to and from New Beleriand, it is vital to the war effort to maintain the supply line and secure trade within the region. War over such a small and nearly worthless land mass may seem silly, and it in truth is. However, it is the lives of the Rohirrim that are in the balance and the war is in the Americas, not France or New Switzerland.

Both sides have suggested building canals within what are nominally Rohirrim borders or under Rohan's influence. If this matter continues, Rohan will end all canal construction projects and deny all parties to have rights to such a project anywhere in Central America. We had up to this time considered having a contest to see who would build the better canal or complete the project fastest, but if this will be the tone of French-Swiss relations, then Rohan will turn its back on both powers.

Rohan will not play in this power game between Alliance and Union. Rohan suggests that if you continue in this fashion, that you take all of your people out of the American Continents, fighting your war to our hearts content, and come back when one of you has won. Then we will talk. Should matters continue in this fashion Rohan will terminate its trade treaties with Russian and New Switzerland in 1903 and not sign the treaty currently being negotiated with the Brandenburgians, or will limit said treaty to 1903 and terminate it at that time.

The powers involved have a choice. Deal with the situation, or leave us, and our hemisphere, alone.
Posted: Nov 3 2005, 03:51 AM

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May 4

France agrees on the the proposal of Rohan to annex Clipperton Island.
Not because France can't handle a country of loudmouth dishonnorables-, but because France does not want war.

The bloody past in Europe did teach France a serious lesson. War is a way to eradicate problems, not to solve them. Does New Swiss wants to be a problem?

With our diplomats hoping that the lease on Clipperton would stop the torrent of New Swiss insults, and the concequent increase of those it is obvious that New Swiss isn't honorable.

Whatever happened , it all says Rohan, and the Rohirrim are honorable.

Hereby France declares Clipperton island and costal waters, Rohirrim property, from may 5 1900 to eternity.

But if the Rohirrim try to interfere with the building of the Great Canal, there will be hell to pay. Whatever happens. The Great Canal zone Partners and France will not let this project for the good of mankind be harmed

France Recognizes the alliance between the dishonnest New Swiss and the galant Deutsche Kaiserreigh Brandenburg, and all merchant vessels loaded with non military supplies and persons will fly the French pennant. The Caliphate will fly its own colors, but get French support for the convoys.

DKB is hereby invited to make , if precautions are taken, to inspect those vessels flying the French flag én route to or from Firanj. But be warned. If the Deutsch Kaiserreigh Brandenburg uses this generous offer to attack any ships in a French protected convoy, We will see this as a betrayal,and leaving of the path of humanity.

Posted: Nov 3 2005, 08:35 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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New Switzerland asks France: Had Constitution fired on the disguised French warships, would France had declared war?
Posted: Nov 3 2005, 08:55 PM

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ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

What disguised French Warships? All 11 sloops did fly the French flag, as well the 3 A class Liners
Posted: Nov 3 2005, 09:53 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Well the pair of "wannabe" battleships flying Caliphate Flags, but that were too ugly to be Caliph ships. wink.gif
Posted: Nov 3 2005, 10:18 PM

King of Rohan

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If I recall the Caliphate ships were uglier than the French ships....the "round" battleships.
Posted: Nov 4 2005, 04:34 AM

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No comment on the absinthe induced alligations from New Swiss.
Posted: Nov 4 2005, 05:32 AM

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La Voix Quebecoise May 4

The increased borderpatrols of the mounties did uncover a gruesome crime.
The farm of the family Mouchon  Port Hope was found burned out. But the bodies spread over the housegrounds did prove that this wasn't a terrible accident, but a henious crime.
The mounties found evidence that the family members were tortured,and that includes the special attention those criminal animals would give to the ladies.

The plunder consists of 50 prime milk cows and about any valuable a well to do farming family can have.
Posted: Nov 6 2005, 05:29 PM

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Le Monde May 5
"Corruption in our gouvernement? Insanity in the Cabinets?  Tell something new please.  One of the aides of the foreign ministry had to run for his life after the minister of defence treathened to shoot him. No further comments were made, but other sources indicate that the minister was foaming at the mouth when he chased the happless aide tough the ministry of Defence with a Dutch Nagant revolver."

"In the same line, several opposition members were cheering when the Foreign minister demanded a retraction of the promised covoying aid to the Caliphate of Caïro. For once we of le Monde agree with a minister. But we wonder what changed this mans mind so suddenly. Last time he asked to speak in Parliament, he demanded more direct support for the Caliphate, to show the world that France is a honorable state helping their esteemed allies in a rightfull cause.
The already very agitated minister of Defence went fuming at the ears and left the building shouting about corruption and backstabbers."
Posted: Nov 7 2005, 09:53 AM

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Paris Temps may 12

An open question made by the opposition brought the gouvernement to a stammering answer.
The massive  tonnage on warships send to the Pacific, to escort  the Caliphates convoys, how does it translate to the safety of France?
The Med fleet is next to halved, the North Atlantic fleet is at 2/3th strength, the South Atlantic fleet is a laugh equipped with only the oldest ships . The fleet defending Indochina and the Pacific islands consists mainly out of torpedoboats and some elderly sloops.

How can the French navy insure the safety of France when they are protecting Caliphate ships en rout to Australia?

The answer of the Minister of Defence wasn't coherent, and for the readers convenience we  summerized it.
By showing resolution in the Firenj question, we divert the attention of the warmongerers to that convoy fleet, so the potential enemies don't have ships left to  treaten any French posetion overseas.  The fleets in the homewaters are still strong enough to crush any possible enemy fleet.

The minister of Foreign Affairs was more clear now in his statements.

France must bring its warsships home as soon as possible. So the safety and honor of France will be continued.  Talks with all the participants in this crisis are under way, and by adding water to wine, France hopes to negotiate a peacefull solution for all.
Posted: Nov 9 2005, 08:57 AM

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Le Monde may 14

"Waste of money? Our inquisitive journalists have found strange bills from the ministry of defense.  Like the payment to hire a complete very expensive hotel for an unknow time.  Further looking in this line of remarkable expenses we found out the chartering of the floating Palace, the very luxurious liner Aphrodite, to maintain a ferry route between Australia and  Madagaskar.  Now who are the passengers? French citizens? The ones who are willing to leave Australia are already on the 3 A class liners. The unwilling ones are those who cast their lot with the  fledging republic of Central Australia. Not the people we would charter a very expensive opulent liner for.
Dutch Citizens of New Belgium en route to Indochina? They are now shipped with Dutch ships to Java.  And the 2 other countries in Australia are probably digging in and sending their colonists to safe spots.
Who is traveling on the Aphrodite?"
Posted: Nov 10 2005, 06:27 PM

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La Voix Quebecoise May 14

" A gunfight between a 4 man patrol of Mounties and a sizable group of smugglers brought a terrible conclusion. The smugglers fled on their fast sailing ship, but left their dead, and 2 wagons. The content of the wagons is a reason for concern. Crates full Opium are found. As French Canada doesn't harvest poppies, it seems that the crates were inbound. But a cargo this size can't be for the French lands. Also, why smuggling it over the great lakes? Lake Ontario will be patrolled more heavely now, and any traders found with opium or simular products of entertainment will be scrutinized very closely.
We morn the 2 mounties who gave up their lifes For Glorious France to uphold the law. "
Posted: Nov 18 2005, 03:39 AM

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Paris Temps may 18
" A riot in the luxurious Luxembourg Palace after the  yearly speach of the  Minister of defence monsieur DeCreme did cause serious damage to the resort of the French top politicians.  A lettre from Monsieur DeCreme to our estemeed redaction isn't ready for publication.  The  cencored version

"I have  direct clues that others of the  French gouvernement do accept influences not benificionary to france, and use these influences for personal gain.  I will seek these unpatriots out, and destroy them
Posted: Dec 3 2005, 12:48 AM

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Paris Temps 7 august 1900

The esteemed minister of defence recalls the battlefleet dispatched to protect the Caliphate convoys to Australia
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Posted: Dec 4 2005, 10:00 PM

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Paris Temps 30 september 1900

"The superbattleship Greater Napoleon, with  the 25000 tons of fighting steel is launched today,  Madame DeCreme did smash the  bottle of Champagne on the  Huge bow at 2 pm."
Posted: Dec 5 2005, 02:18 PM

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Paris Temps 2 october 1900

In a response about mounting troubles and to many contracts breached in trade between the ACM and france, The ministry of foreign affaires has frozen all Gouvernemental depts and transactions concerning the ACM.
Posted: Dec 6 2005, 07:08 PM

King of Rohan

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Rohirrim Rider

October 4, 1900

25,000 ton monster!
France has recently placed into the water a ship nearly 10,000 tons heavier than our own Elfwine-class battleships, and from rumors, it is armed with many heavy guns as oppose to just 4 or 6 like most other navies. The King has been informed and plans are being made for the next generation battleships. In the meantime, Rohan will finish the second Elfwine, and in the next year and a half begin work on an improved Elfwine using the new 14 inch rifles and leasons learned during the War.
Posted: Dec 8 2005, 10:30 AM

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Paris Temps october 7 1900

"Disaster strikes,
the first Trial of the Greater Napoleon ended in Disaster. Reporters have seen the Great warship beeing towed in crippled, and with visible damage amidships. The Greater Napoleon is currently back in the temporary dry dock, and draglines are working to seal the dock off again."

OOC info,
the Greater Napoleon is build by elongating the hull of a Napoleon III class battleship, and being a prestige project it got absolute priority.(the max capacity was been used, 5HBP a quarter,and parts of the second ship of the Napoleon III class, like 3 of the 4 turrets) The launching was done in a dammed off dock, when the ship was completed the dock was just flooded gentle and the cofferdam removed. The first trial under own power could be done after loading coal and other consumables needed for a short trial.
Posted: Dec 10 2005, 10:27 PM

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Trough the Embassy of the Union De Sur-America in Paris

"If the ACM can't abide the treaty of 1889, the USA is obliged to take over the securty issue of this island.
Posted: Dec 11 2005, 03:18 PM

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Le Monde October 7th 1900

" With the political failure and waste of steel Greater Napoleon  back in het tomb, the works on the 2 smaller sisters Paris and France is halted.  How long can we, the citizens of France, see to this waste of taxpayers money, and selfglorification of our narcistic ministers"
Posted: Dec 11 2005, 04:37 PM

King of Rohan

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Jane's Naval Journal

October 10, 1900

The Naval community in Rohan have put forth a question to the French Government about the cause and extent of the damage to the Greater Napoleon and the fates of its two half-sister ships. While the 25,000 ton monster cause a stir in Naval circles in Rohan, the smaller 17,000 ton ships also cause something of a stir when they were laid down over a year ago. The guess is that an arms race was beginning between France, their half-elven neighbors and the New Swiss with the later two's Super Cruisers.
Posted: Dec 11 2005, 04:46 PM

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(leaked out diplomatic dispatch to the Rohirrim)

From the ministry of Defence trough the offices of Foreign Affairs.

"Greater Napoleon is suffering from teething troubles. The damage is nothing more than a sprung steampipe and a damaged hull seal."
Posted: Dec 12 2005, 10:42 AM

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Paris Temps October 10th 1900

"Several ACM ships are impounded in French Harbours,mainly Marseille. The comments from officials are clear.
" Court orders"
"several firms, and the French governement made a case against ACM".
"The losses for the firms and the state go into the milions of Francs."

Le Monde October 9th 1900

"The med no longer French playground? As our beloved governement want this sea to be. The Caliphate of Caïro has show a bit of lack of respect for the French investment and show of force in their behalf in the Australia debacle. The Ottoman Empire showing iron resolve in Greece, and an interest in the newest technologies in naval warfare. And now the ACM with the powerfull homefleet on Malta.
We of le Monde fear that more money will be pumped into the warmachine Minister of Defence  DeCreme created the last years.  15 battleships in build at the same time , not to count the cruisers, sloops and  TB's. Money desperatly needed to maintain the French example of care for the citizens.
Posted: Dec 14 2005, 02:18 PM

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Press statement from His Excellency Minister DeCreme
We have all been shocked and saddened by the sudden desintegration of the Associacao Comercial do Mundo. The speed at which this happens defies rational logic and the unexpected immediate onset of this catastrophe has dire consequences for the citizens of that beautiful island in the Mediterranian sea: Malta. Being the central hub for much of the trade routes in the Mediterranian Sea, as well as a central node for ship repairs, it is densely populated but cannot feed its citizens from its own soil. They depend on import of food and other necessities.
The directors of the ACM ,who had the duty of serving their people, have turned instead from good salesmen to the most despicable kind of politicians... those who serve their own pockets, grab what they can, and then make a run for it, setting up a grand living in some paradisical place while one's people must toil and starve because the enterprise has gone broke. There is much money to be made in that fashion, but it brings great grief to the hardworking people who break their backs for a meager wage. And who are now left to fend for their own when everything of value has been carried off.
Not so when Glorious France can come to the aid !! We understand the plight of the suffering Maltese ! This great people who serve so many must be served in return, and they will not find Glorious France wanting !
On my command our Valiant Navy has already dispatched several ships and colliers with relief goods, wages and supplies, in order to render aid to the stricken people of Malta. We will help them to restructure their economy. We will keep them safe from the kind of vultures who already in other parts of the world pounced upon other ACM-facilities.
The people of Malta can rest easy tonight. They can bring their children to bed, bellies sated with good wholesome food, and worry not about what the next day will bring because there is a good future just waiting at the horizon.
The valiant Navy of Glorious France will stand guard and watch over their safety until they are once again in business. Such is our pledge.

published in all main papers in the French ruled world. Even le Monde published this unedited.
Posted: Dec 16 2005, 11:55 AM

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Le Monde October 8th

"Why does our gouvernement maintains a blockade on Malta? We of Le Monde have the answer trought the Italian press. Several ships with refuges arrived in Italian coastal cities. The ACM people bring confused stories about a French invasion, but also about famine, riots and mass murder by the ACM military before the invasion. We ask Minister Rimauld of Foreign affairs to give us the full story, so the French people don't have to endure the propaganda and desinformation of the ministry of defence any longer

La Voix Quebecoise October 20th

The firebombing of several gouvernemental buildings in Quebec and the riots seem to be gangrelated. Several police and mounties are severly wounded.
The army is sending in troops and a curfew is in effect.Further news will be forthcoming when the restrictions are lifted. The civilian populace is asked to endure the restrictions untill peace is restored.

Posted: Dec 16 2005, 01:19 PM

King of Rohan

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Jane's Naval Journal

October 12, 1900

The Marshal of the Northern Seas has put forth a question to the French Government about the fates of the half sisters of the Greater Napoleon; the Paris and the France. Rumors that the ships will stay on the slips to rust or be scrapped seems wasteful to the Marshal. He hopes the French Government will find a useful purpose for these ships. However their has yet to be proof that the concept of multiple different heavy guns will work.

The recent combat actions the Rohirrim engaged in suggests that the heavy guns of the Theoden, Eomer, and Elfwine classes as well as the large numbers of medium guns on the newest Combat Cruisers were very effective against the Anahuac Fleet. However the Fleet of the Mark is whoafully slow at this time, as standard practice would be to keep the enemy at longer ranges to use the range and hitting power of the newer guns to better effect while keeping the enemies guns out of effective range. The Anahuac vessel's superior speed tended to close the range too quickly in their efforts to turn a battleline action into a melee. Future Rohirrim ships will attempt to reflect these concept changes.
Posted: Dec 17 2005, 02:09 AM

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All French newspapers over the world.

11 october special free edition.
front page

"All military personel is called to duty, all leave is canceled, report as soon as possible"
Posted: Dec 17 2005, 11:26 PM

King of Rohan

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OOC: Did I miss something?


Rohirrim Rider

October 18, 1900

Rumors of war abound as the French recall all their forces to duty. However, Rohan does not know who they are planning to go to war with, the ACM, the New Swiss, the Russians, the Germans, who? Not us. We've not done anything to them in recent memory. In fact they decorated one of our naval heros not too long ago. So who are the French preparing to fight?
Posted: Dec 17 2005, 11:51 PM

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Paris Temps october 12th

The most eager of our reporters enlisted, to report the procedings of this urgent call to defend the French Empire, with the approval of Minister DeCreme. We call out to all young men of Glorious France to enlist, to defend the fatherland against the ursurpers using cowardly ways to worm their way into the fresh blushing apple France represents to this cancerous vermin.

Le monde october 13th

" What is happening? Has minister DeCreme lost his mind?  Several of our reporters got enlisted forcibly.  We hope our protests will reach the Prime minister, who is the only person who can counter this madness."
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


 Paris Temps october 13th 1900

" A strange occurence.  The dock were the Greater Napoleon is being prepared is now the scene of more frantic building, after a week of silence. The  engineers told our reporter that 2 huge pontoons are  being constructed, but to what purpose, they didn't tell.  Why in the same dock as the Pride of the French navy?"
Posted: Dec 21 2005, 01:49 AM

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Paris Temps October 30th.

The sloops Linois and Lavoisier hunting for New Swiss reported pirates in the Pacific reported in at Tahiti .
The third sloop of the small taskforce, Galilee, was sunk in a typhoon 500 miles west of Clipperton Island. The families of the crew will be informed by the commanding officer and Minister DeCreme himself.
Posted: Dec 21 2005, 04:20 AM


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QUOTE (Maddox @ Dec 18 2005, 11:29 PM)
Paris Temps october 13th 1900

" A strange occurence.  The dock were the Greater Napoleon is being prepared is now the scene of more frantic building, after a week of silence. The  engineers told our reporter that 2 huge pontoons are  being constructed, but to what purpose, they didn't tell.  Why in the same dock as the Pride of the French navy?"

New York Times
New York - Vickers Dockyard

The UKA heavy engineering and shipbuilding firm, Vickers of New York has today revealed that it was they who designed the solution to the problems suffered by the stricken French Super-Battleship Greater Napoleon.
They warned the French military ,and naval designers in advance that the Greater Napoleon would have problems after they had learned the full story from an loselipped aid.

The solution is the addition of pontoons of high bouyancy cork fitted to the side of the hull.
Posted: Dec 21 2005, 06:14 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Now the Swiss would have loved to have helped resolve the problems with Greater Napoleon. Something we dont know, we'll just ask the Filipinos! tongue.gif After all gunpowder casks are about as effective as cork.
Posted: Dec 22 2005, 12:46 AM

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The cork will likely hinder her manuverability...but then she is huge and weak in the keel to start with. Anything will improve her ability to float and act as a heavy floating battery at least.
Posted: Dec 25 2005, 12:02 PM

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Information Marine nationale December 4th

"All  traders and merchants are asked to leave Middle Kingdom ports and harbors. Costal waters of the Middle Kingdom and New Swiss are to be avoided"
Posted: Jan 1 2006, 08:51 AM

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Paris Temps december 18th

"France  made a sign of aknowledgement to the Middle Kingdom.
Our ministers voted in favor of a total stop of export to and trough the New Swiss leased tradeports at the coast of the Middle Kingdom.
Minister Rimauld of Foreign affairs commented after this decision
:"A great mistake to make. The Middle kingdom doesn't want aknowledgement , they want what every dictatorial monarchy wants. More power, more means, and people to be used as cattle.
In this case the New Swiss citizens in the Tradeports will suffer.But as we, Glorious France, is a democracy, I'll abide the decree."

Premier Jardan commented.
"We have no reason to mix into the  quarrel between New Swiss and the Middle Kingdom. The Upstarts on the Pacific are causing more trouble all over the line than they can handle. The best way to protect our merchants is to make sure they don't wander into a potential warzone.Therefor I did put my vote in."

Minister DeCreme didn't comment anything to any reporter, but seemed content with the situation.
Posted: Jan 4 2006, 01:52 PM

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Januari First 1901

Le Monde
"Glorious feasts, and public celebrations in all cities of France. Majorly sponsored by the ministry of welfare. We of Le Monde enjoyed this enormously. Congratulations Gouvernement.
But a lot to learn dear ministers. With the pricetag of 1 battleship France could  give all the poor a real feast"

Le Monde 19 Januari 1901

"The silence of the bumbling gouvernement in the case of Neptune/ACM/whoever is telling a big tale.  Or the New Swiss is uncovering the greatest scandal since the killing of Julius Ceasar, or our gouvernement is getting ready for something big.
Our reporters in parliament do agree that something is afoot. Minister DeCreme and staff are working long hours, and aids are using the fastest means of non telegraph communication. As if the ministry of defence isn't trusting any outsiders. We keep you, the French people, informed."

Paris Temps 22 Januari 1901

"A resolution brought before parliament was shocking.  Minister DeCreme, in his biggest most furious speach ever called to arms,and asked Parliament to agree to send an official declaration of war to New Swiss. The peace faction under Minister Rimauld asked for an adjourment. To deliberate about this very big decision. After the release of this information, large mobs appeared in the streets of Paris, most in favor of the peace."
Posted: Jan 4 2006, 02:49 PM

Commander Johann Wyss

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Maddox you know what this means.
Posted: Jan 4 2006, 03:46 PM

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"Man who lives on glass ceiling should not drop anvil"

Posted: Jan 4 2006, 04:09 PM

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Actually it is not a decleration of war, but something different.
The Rock Doctor    
Posted: Jan 4 2006, 04:34 PM


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The DKB and Dutch leadership simultaneously banging their heads against a wall, perhaps?
Posted: Jan 5 2006, 11:04 AM

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La Voix Quebecoise 18 januari 1901

"In the bitter cold of the Quebecois winter, the great work on the first full scale aluminium producing plant is getting into the latest stages.
Powered  with the raw electrical power of the Niagra hydroelectrical powerplant this marvel of Glorious French enginering will be capable of producing 4000 tons of pure aluminium per year.
Paul Louis-Toussaint Héroult is overseeing his child of inspiration."
Posted: Jan 6 2006, 11:38 AM

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Information Marine nationale Canadien january 27th 1901

"The Canadian main cruiser squadron Gloire, Terrible and Davout
has left for France, to join the soon to be finished Greater Napoleon"
Posted: Jan 6 2006, 01:29 PM

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Paris Temps january 28th 1901

"The Baltic born chemical engineer Fritz Haber has been offered, and accepted the position as director of the Society d'chemique. With this position the rank of parliamental advisor is equaly important. Currently the youngest person to have this honor and position."

Le Monde january 28th 1901

"The new director of the very important Society d'chemique ,monsieur Haber is a very driven scientist. His job is very important to France.  But is it coincidence that he's the son in law of Monsieur Leclerc, Commissaire de Population Cameronienne."
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


 Paris Temps May second 1903

OUTRAGE.Governement loses crusial member and the complete opposition in 1 fell stroke.

After an attack of the international criminal Agrival Mars, who planned this horrible deed in advance, the leaders of the Socialist and Enviromentalist parties are dead.
The murder weapon, poison gas.

A letter from the mass murderer Mars

" France invented a fantastique weapon,and I thank France for that.
For interested countries or rich people, I offer the formula and ways of using it.
Knowledge wants to be free, and this is my way of freeing it."

The horrible deed happened at a gala in the Moulin Rouge, hired by the now late spice merchant Margival. At the climax of an exotic show, billowing clouds of greenish gas enveloped the public. This cloud did do horrible things to the people who tried to get to the exits. Unfortunatly, the renovations blocked the exits, and the main exit was barricaed by a group of Agrivals followers.
Our reporter, who got an invitation from Magrival, was one of the few lucky survivors, due the fact he was, together with several special effects people, fellow journalists and the wonderfull Mata Hari, in a seperate dark room, specialy constructed for the moving picture recording cameras. This room was completely sealed to avoid any light contamination, with seperate ventilation. If this wasn't true, nobody in the Moulin Rouge would have survived.

More information on page 3
Posted: Oct 19 2006, 08:39 AM

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And they wonder why Rohan has a bounty of 3,000 troy ounces of gold on this man's head.
Desertfox II    
Posted: Oct 19 2006, 09:05 AM


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France invented a fantastique weapon,and I thank France for that.
For interested countries or rich people, I offer the formula and ways of using it.
Knowledge wants to be free, and this is my way of freeing it
A certain individual from the San Luang will pay a visit with the interest of acquiring said formula...
Posted: Oct 19 2006, 11:12 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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user posted image
Posted: Oct 19 2006, 05:10 PM


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HMMMM and people wonder why the UKA is getting shirty at the BL as we think they are harbouring Agrival?
Posted: Oct 22 2006, 08:14 AM

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July 1 1903

Palpaté's offices.

Premier, should we lift the censoring of the press?

NON!  , and get me the staff of Paris Temps who got the message of the Moulin Rouge murder out.
Agrival Mars    
Posted: Oct 22 2006, 07:20 PM

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Le Monde, street print,
breaking the censoring, July 10 1903
3th page

All the 7's who are 1 be prepared to concieve.

The red eyed hand.
Posted: Oct 22 2006, 07:26 PM

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When you come out of Hiding, you're not going halfway Agrival.


July 10th 1903

Premier Palpaté's offices

"I WANT THAT ASSHOLES HEAD ON A PLATTER.  First killing Dupré and the rest of the opposition, and now making our newspapers disobeying our commands.
Bring me Agrivals head.  Whatever the cost may be."
Posted: Oct 30 2006, 10:34 AM

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Meeting room, securité headquarters, Versailles.

Assholes, bumbling fools. You have the might of France at your disposal , and still you do not know important things. Who is behind the troubles in Brazil?
And were's the platter with Agrivals head?

Premier, I beg your pardon. But it is you that insists that the Anuhuac cannot be the source of troubles in Brazil, that they adhere to the agreed upon limitations.
I myself would say that all evindence is pointing out to those bloodthirsty cannibals.

Silence! you nitwit, how did you get on this post? Brownnosing or Fils à Papa?

But Premier,

So, no news from Brazil then. I hope for yours sake you have information on Agrival then.

Actualy, sir, I do have information on Agrival. It seems he was also investing in the destabilisation of New Swiss. His involvement there did accelerate the implosion beyond our most optimistic forecasts. Also learned is that he used New Swiss governement funds to finance the aquiring of a large warship, but we are still figuring out what ship or where. But that doesn't make it better. Looking at the amount of diverted money, it could be anything from a brandnew Protected cruiser to an old battleship. First thing we looked into was the sale of french Coastal Battleships to the UKA, but those are securely in rebuild by the Middle Kingdom.
The 3 Armoured cruisers from the UKA are also in the Middle kingdom , idle in the ports. The fourth of that class was seen in Peru, in the breakers yard, where the engines got pulled out at the time of observing. So that one is also accounted for.


We don't know sir, he was last seen in Brandenburg, but our people there lost 4 men in "assorted" crimes, like robbery, 1 overdose on Morphine. the full report is being made and will be send to you.

As I say, you are bumbling fools. If i do not get results before januari first, you will have a change of carrier. I hope you can handle a shovel or pick better than your feeble brains.
Posted: Oct 31 2006, 03:47 AM

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15 october 1903

Premier Palpaté's Offices.

Say again?

Premier Palpaté, Army command lost all contact with the 16th Legion Etranger Algeriëne for weeks now. This information came to us by accident. it seems somebody tried to intercept the message.
Standing orders give them 5 days of communication delay.
All runners couriers or Corps engineers who tried to make contact disappeared as well.

The 16th, The ones who have the Austrian Observers with them? The unbeaten ones, the Victorious legion over the Touareg horde at Chateau Marduque?

Yes Premier, that 16th. One of our best equipped legions. They just disappeared in the Amazone. Our scouts can't even find a beaten path younger than 4 days.

No trace? Just vanished? 42 000 elite warriors, the finest soldiers this world have seen, the Creme de la creme of the Glorious French army?

I'm afraid so Premier. Army command wired a request for more troops, and the "orders to be able to use Green Shells" . Also, Army command asked the navy to send the fastest sloop to France with evidence of Anuhuac involvement in the uprising.

THE ANUHUAC ARE NOT INVOLVED YET, THIS DOES IT. Denise, send following telegram to "El Dorado".
Proposal accepted.  restore peace.
Posted: Nov 2 2006, 02:16 AM

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Le Monde 15 november 1903
Street print.

"Still our gouvernement shuts us up, because we know and write to much. Thanks to sponsors, we can run a street print a few times a year. Those are for free, and available trough channels who get organised better and better..

The important news we want to bring to you, the People of france, is that our governement has unleashed a rabit dog in Brazil. Most southern cities are being subdued by warriors who do resemble Anuhuac soldiers, and their commanders have letters from Paris werein they get Carte Blanche.
Alledged Portugese or communist resistance groups or even innocent civilians are fair prey to the slaughtering hordes.

We urge you, the people of France, to appeal to our governement, and let them reign in the leash on those barbarians before they make life miserable for everyone."

Paris Temps, 16 november 1903

"Cold record already broken, November , autumn for most of us, already gets ice on the Seine. Premier Palpaté promised cheaper coal to provide warmth.

Also, if the cold keeps up, a winter festival fully organised by the premiers cabinet is promised."

Posted: Nov 14 2006, 09:21 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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(slight flashback...)

Late on the evening of 9 November, two men, thuggish and Oriental in appearance, make the rounds of a number of Paris's most...profitable...opium clubs. At each, they pay a brief visit to the proprietor, and deliver a note:


For continued supply, please ensure that any Governmental officials utilising your premises over the next few weeks are taken care of.


Thanks to Walter over at WesWorld for character suggestions for the Ambassador to France and his goons.
Posted: Nov 20 2006, 02:55 PM

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28 december 1903

Premier Palpatés suite on the passenger ship Athene en route to New York.

Premier, a marconi message for you. Parliament has approved the funding for the F-class battleships.

I ORDERED THOSE CANCELED LAST WEEK! I want ships that are the best on the world, not the cheapest. Why do those idiots run after the facts. The Rohirrim have turbine driven battleships, based on our hulls. What they can do, we can do better. I will convince the UKA to sell us turbines for the ships.
Posted: Nov 23 2006, 07:25 AM

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5 january 1904

Palpaté on Athene

Premier, we lost "Profitable". Again.

What? Who, were, how?

The only thing we know is that the AMC Profitable has exploded in view of Port Au Prince, together with the merchant Mercond, of the French trading house Rothschild.

Any idea why? Profitable wouldn't have enough shells and propellant on board to warrant such an explosion.

According to the witnesses Mercond exploded and the next moment Profitable exploded too. Mercond was chartered by a Rohirrim trader , but that one has connections to House Harlock.... I guess they want to be sure we don't interfere with the Niguaraguan Canal

We can't keep everything safe at the same time. Recall Iena, and blow up the wreck of Profitable number one. Send a communice to all parties involved it was a merchant vessel lost during the Taal explosion, but interogation of a "found survivor" floating around on a part of the deck planking revealed Agrival was up to his tricks. Also, indicate that the obvious antipathy from the Rohirrim could be a cover up of a larger plan
Posted: Nov 23 2006, 02:29 PM

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Paris Temps 1 January 1904

"The winter festival on new years eve in Paris was a great succes.
Millions participated in the fun and partying all over the city.
Thanks to the good organisation troubles remained uninvited."

Le Monde ,street print 1 January 1904

Still our governement doesn't allow us to print anything else than what they supply. Only good news and rubbish .
But thanks to sponsors we are able to print real news.
Main things to tell.
The New years eve party was a succes, for the people who have money and power. The harsh winter only took a toll of 15000 dead in Paris alone in 1.5 months. Not surprisingly, a large number of these are suffocated when heating their appartments with state sponsored coal of the worst quality. Is it coal or the leftovers of a horrible secret weapon?
And we predict that the death toll all over France for this winter will be much higher. Already food shortages are visible in the shops.  No food is arriving from over seas, as the harbors are frozen over,and only the incredible labors of our navy succeed in getting anything in or out.
Our biggest foodsupplier from over seas, Brazil is currently incommunicado, but smuggled messages indicate that the French troops over there are enjoying a vacation when armies of indian barbarians do the peacekeeping with a very hard hand.
The other sources of food from over seas, Northwest Africa, south India and Indonesia seem to struggle with simular problems concerning weather. India and Indonesia are having very heavy unseasonal flooding,  Africa has seen plant ilnesses destroying the rice and maize crops, labor unrest and to top it off, the drougth never seen in all of mens remembering.
This, combined with the frozen harbors make that we will see hunger, and very harsh hunger.
And now, Premier Palpaté pushed his battleship fever to new hights. The so called F-class battleships, what already was to much for France to support, got canceled. But that because premier Palpaté bought United Kingdom of America Turbine engines, in such quantities that it boggles the mind. So the Premier asked our shipbuilders to get a design ready that uses these engines and the huge 340mm guns.
In the meanwhile every civilised state in the world sets an astronomical price on Agrivals head, but France, who suffered the most of this arch criminal, doesn't do anything.

No, Le Monde still regrets the election of Palpaté as premier. But the people willed, so the people will have to suffer...
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Posted: Nov 24 2006, 01:33 PM

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10 januari 1904. Near Verdun

in the bitter cold of a sunny windless winter day the hangar doors open, and in it's huge glory the new airship Condor sees open air for the first time.

Larger than L'aigle, more powerfull this airship heralds the resurgence of the French airship industry after the disaster that wiped out the factory, and the death of the Great Glorious French inventor and guiding force to the heavens Santos Dumont.

Posted: Nov 24 2006, 01:41 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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The Zeppelin-Brandenburg company extends its congratulations to the French, then goes back to wondering when the DKB will order something...

Since I can't find it anywhere - how does one pay for constructing airships? MBP equivilant to the "displacement" of the craft? Or something else?
Posted: Nov 25 2006, 12:21 AM

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OC, As there are no mass produced zeppelins ,airships or aircraft I didn't think about the usability of these tools in war.

But the cost of a Airships/aircrafts sound to me as the same as ships. But made of other materials using different tools and crafts. Why not looking at an airship/aircraft in size as a normal ship? But the lifting capacity as guideline to cost. Again to maintain the simularity with ships. What about every 100 tons of lift is 1 HBP?

But his is more a meeting room topic.
Posted: Nov 25 2006, 09:33 PM

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12 januari 1904 premier Palpaté's offices.

Gentlemen. How are the procedings on the 2 main projects I assigned you?
You Agent Coffee, how is the Colombian canal?

We have suffered serious setbacks with the Brandenburger/Rohirrim interference. Our budget can't take the losses, and it's getting worse. It seems pirates and accidents are targetting french vessels en route to the Great Canal. I already diverted funding and manpower to the protection of these too, but we can't do everything with what we have. I must ask for help, especialy navy help on the pirate hunting. What will help Agent Mercantile a lot, as we suspect the same pirate is his target.

In other words, nothing is done. Agent Mercantile, do you have anything worthwile to report?

No sir, we tought that Agrival was seen on Almirante Grau, but the typical Agrival style attack makes it improbable. Currently, one of our agents follows the track that Agrival is in Brandenburger Africa, making sure the Grande Rally is his to control.

BLOODY IMBECILES, France is in need of results, conclusive and total. If you can't make plans to do so, I will. And I have.
Agent Coffee, you will go to the Canal HQ, and you will destroy the Colombian canal. I have send word to give you a modern "Burner." Use it with good effect.

Agent Mercantile, you will go to El Dorado, our allies have a team ready to spirit you into Peru. I believe Agrival has set up shop there.

Next time you will have a succes to report, or nothing to report at all.
Posted: Nov 25 2006, 11:35 PM

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An hour later, same office.

Premier, Ministre Paixhans ask a meeting. It is about the F class warships he says.

Send him in Desiré.

Good afternoon Premier Palpaté.

If you say so Paixhans. If you say so.

It all depends, but I have a question to start with. How many F class ships do you want?

6 of course, I want to make a statement than any class of French warship comes in increments of 6.Why?

Then we have 12 turbine units to many. We can only fit 3 of the Gargantuan turbines in battleship hulls based on the Napoleon the great design. But that gives a serious increase in speed and range. Also, the weather inspired our designers to put the secundaries also in turrets will all the comforts of home. No more struggling with heavy shells in slippery hoists when the snow and wind try to freeze flesh from the bone. it would improve overall fighting capacity, and accuracy. I asked for 1 large space on deck and 1 behind the main armor. The one behind armor is what I call , communications, and I'm not only meaning the marconi instalation. The deckspace is for a set of ears.
After giving the designer the minimum of information he did provide those 2 extra's.
I must say, if I could exchange all the current battleships for these beauties, I would be prepared to give up my 2 legs, left arm, 3 fingers of my right arm, an eye and an ear.

That Paixhans, is the best news I got in the latest months.
But France wouldn't ask for that sacrifice. There is a limit what a man can do for his country. Also, I wouldn't be happy to explain that to your wife.
Now, I want to see the plans, and even better, arrange a meeting with the chief designer next week, in Hotel Bonaparte.
And I have an idea for the 12 "eft over turbines. 2 to go into storage, 4 for the next generation of large cruisers build here and 6 for 2 ships that are capable of catching and sinking anything that is faster than a battleship, including our own.
If the hunch is correct, and the mastercriminal Agrival has a ship that can run 25 kts with guns to make any captain think again, what will he have next year? Greater Napoleon stolen from its concrete woomb?

Premier, I have a request. A very important one, but I'm afraid you'll ignore my advice on this.

You are bold, but after the news of the last days, I could use a good laugh. Try me.

I want Admiral Geon back, and in a post fitting his achivements plus a compensation for the 2 years of coal mines.
According to all the files I have read, and the information that came in, he didn't do anything wrong, except ignoring orders, but with a good cause. He saved Tegethoff, and a lot of people.

How come that you got the balls to ask me this? You do not even know half of it. Not all what happened is in the files, because I deleted the information that endangers France myself. In short, if we still would have death penalty by torture, I would have administrated it myself. But we are civilised and the worst punishment is coalmining for life. So he will help France in that way.

Premier. I am a minister of France. At least you could give me that respect. Also, I'm a man that is honnest and direct. Admiral Geon is being punished because you want to cover up something. What it is I do not want to know. What I do know is that I want Geon as Admiral. He is probably the only man in France who can capture Agrival at sea.

Vice Admiral Geon was a pen pusher, a captain over a desk. His assignment to Greater Napoleon and concequent promotion to admiral was because the Orange Republic stuck up and did send equaly ranked nincompoops to the Peace fleet.

Premier, Greater Napoleon, after the maiden trip debacle was manned with the dregs of the French navy. Admiral Geon worked a miracle and the last operation they did was the equivalent of winning a seabattle against the combined fleets of Rohan and New Swiss. He was a pen pusher in the past, but he isn't now. And you put him in the coalmines because he knows something. As I say, I am not interested in that deadly knowledge, I just want to do my job as good as possible, as the French people wills. It's not only fleets and armies for me, but also people.
Also, now we're getting angry at each other, you are now officialy informed that I do not approve of your Brazilian approach. We have proof that the Anuhuac are playing a very dirty game, and that every move we did played in their hands.

OUT, OUT OUT. One word further and I'll put you in the coal mines too.

After a big snifter of cognac and a bit of cooling downDesiré, send a memo to the ministry of Defence. " Minister, arrange the meeting about the F-class battleships" , no delays.
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 03:24 AM

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19 januari 1904

Paris Temps

"Pirates of the Caribean.  Fact or fiction. Or even worse?
The fact is, on the supply route between French colonies sending material to the Great Canal zone French Merchants are disappearing in a frightning rate. The rare survivors all tell the same story.  At dawn an explosion rips out the side of the ship, amidships and then 3 or 4 small fast Boats come and scout, picking up survivors or shooting them by the least hint of resistance.
Currently, 14 merchants and 1 patrol boat are missing with a total shipping tonnage of 49 000 tons is reported lost. Only 4 survivors from 2 ships could report in.
The imposed restrictions on the French shipping is funneling the merchants to be easy prey, but wandering outside the route invokes harrasment from Gran Colombian and Rohirrim warships and customs vessels.

Premier Palpaté annonced that the large battleships  Patrie, Iena and Suffren with their support groups will be send to patrol the French route.


Evening, Hotel Napoleon, Paris

Premier Palpaté, can I introduce you the briliant ship designer ingénieur Dariël de Hugenoy. A student of Emile Bertin.

Good evening monsieur ingénieur, Ministre. I hope we can have a pleasant conversation about the needs of France concerning battleships.
Can I present you the aperitive, une melange sublime de champagne et de cassis. The purple delicatesse Kirr Royale. A pleasure Minister Capet introduced me too.

Thank you Premier. I surely hope I can help Glorious France.

Minister Paixhans, I thought you had an important appointment. You should hurry, your wife is waiting. Have a good night.

But, oh ok Premier, I should hurry.
Sorry ingénieur Dariël that my planning changed so suddenly. But you have a good night before you. Premier Palpaté is known to appreciate the finer and more Romanesque points of luxury.

(after a time of pleasantries and compliments the talks come to the point of business)

Premier, you wanted my ideas and reasons to design the F-class battleships?

When that nincompoop Paixhans brought the desings and artists impressions of the battleships you designed, I was immediatly charmed by the strength. But, I know you got information about the planned DKB battleships.Because I gave it to you. Do you feel that 6 F class are really superior to these 4 ships? Assured of a win?
Yes Premier, I feel that my ships can win. Unfortunatly, I know the damage done to my flowers by these germanic harsh angled beasts will be severe. But the with budget restaints Minister Paixhans gave me on design I couldn't do better.

I do not care about the budget restraints, and I approved Paixhans idea to trade valuable technology for that new fangled idea of stacked turrets everybody is so full of. Your job now is to convince me that the weight involved in protecting the high placed turret is a good investment.

Allow me to demonstrate. Take these 2 plates as turrets placed in the classic side to side center turrets, and these 2 as the front and aft turret. Of course you get a broadside of 6 guns and in all circumstances a 4 gun coverage over the sides. With these and these angles again 6 guns.
Now, when we change around the plates to this configuration, with this wineglass as bridge/main mast and the saltshaker as conning tower , pushed back from the original forward spot so we got space to add a stacked turret we get a broadside of 8 guns, but also a 8 guns forward arc between the 2 knives. The space between the 2 side turrets is ideal for the boilers with all the uptakes directly up in 4 smokestacks, greatly reducing the obstructions these imposed on Greater Napoleon with it's divided multitude. The only weak spot is the aft arc between the 2 forks. But the great speed capable in this idea makes it difficult for enemy forces to come in that arc.

I do like your way to shuffle bone china and silverware. But what do you think you can design and be in use in 27 months?. I want ships that can take a punch, race with the best and deal out damage like demons unleashed. I'll give you restraints.
You have 18 15.000 Horsepower UKA turbines to build 6 battleships. These ships must have at least the same range as the older battleships with a speed high enough to stay with the DKB ships. And not bigger than Greater Napoleon.

Ah, oh, That's a challenge Premier. But I see ways to meet that challenge.

Then let us return to the pleasures of dinner, and lets forget the gruesome winter weather. Garçon, another bouteille of Chateau Rotschild 1846,and distribute the meal set for minister Paixhans for the needy.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Posted: Nov 30 2006, 09:15 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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QUOTE (Premier Palpaté)
But, I know you got information about the planned DKB battleships.Because I gave it to you.

"I think I begin to smell a rat..." dry.gif

Time for the Orkin Man to visit the design offices, methinx.
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 10:00 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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third week of January
Abwehr Headquarters, 4 Kaiserfreidrichsdamm, Neue Brandenburg

"Herr Major, we just finished decoding this, it came in on the telegraph two hours ago."

"Hmm, where from?"

"Brazil, Herr Major, our agent in Pôrto Alegre."


Further Anahuac raids in southcountry. French conspicious by absence. Believe Anahuac preferentially targeting German communities in retaliation for LK activities in last war. Reques

"Well, where's the rest of it?"

"The original is cut off like that, Herr Major. If things are getting that bad the lines might have gotten cut."

"Mmm. How was it routed?"

"Through Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Cabinda."

"Take this to Brigadegeneral Nicolai, I think OKW is going to want to see this."

"Jawohl, Herr Major."
Desertfox II    
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 10:25 AM


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But, I know you got information about the planned DKB battleships.Because I gave it to you.

"I think I begin to smell a rat..."

Time for the Orkin Man to visit the design offices, methinx.

Need the services of the Elephant Brigade? wink.gif
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 10:43 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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Naah, I think he's good enough:

user posted image

Posted: Nov 30 2006, 12:38 PM

King of Rohan

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OOC: "Stacked" turrets? Virginia style? Like the older Rohirrim Combat Cruisers just with all main battery guns?
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 12:49 PM

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OOC, stacked is another way to say "superfiring".
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 01:10 PM

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OCC: Okay. I was hoping the French weren't doing something that has already been tried and listed as a bad idea. I do wonder if a stacked main battery would be as much of a problem since the shells are the same for all the guns. Be top heavy.
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 07:28 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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(ooc: Although it slipped through the cracks of the news orginisations, Ambassador Takeda did return to his post in France after his being recalled for consultation. Say around New Year's.)

21 January
the streets of Paris

That afternoon he'd received the message at the usual drop-site at the base of the Eiffel Tower. The Abwehr wanted dirt on the French Premier, and who better than the records clerk at the security ministry?

He'd been recruited two years before, he'd had a "high-maintenance" girlfriend and had been short on cash, she'd dumped him and he'd picked up the habit of visiting one of the "gentlemen's clubs" to smoke away his sorrows through the fruit of the opium poppy. He didn't know how he'd been recognised but one day he'd been picked up, blindfolded, taken on a whirlwind tour of the most confusing alleyways of the City of Lights, then taken into a warehouse where a frightening Oriental man had been waiting for him. He'd been offered a deal, the man's "employers" wanted occasional bits of information that he would have access to, in excange for which he'd be given a free pass to the opium club and a small amount of gold francs for each of his services rendered. If he didn't want to take the deal, however...well, the two thugs behind him had made a further explanation of those possibilities unnecessary.

So he had agreed and over the past 24 months he'd recieved five requests for information. Each time it had been a simple matter to acquire the necessary papers, quickly copy the requested data, then return the originals and drop off the copies at one site or another. This time though it had all gone wrong, a policeman had stepped into the room as he'd been going through some particulary jucicly incriminating files from the "far corner cabinet", the one he'd had to take a lockpick to, it had seemed worth it as the reward offered had been four times the normal fee.

Such thoughts did little to calm his nerves however as he charged through the darkened streets of Paris on a stolen police horse, he'd thrown a paperweight at the cop then dove out a window, still holding the papers without even thinking about it, the shout and shattering glass had immediately attracted security so he'd grabbed the first horse he'd seen, of course it had been the policeman's. Based on the sounds there was a full army of angry Gendarmes behind him, he'd already narrowly dodged two roadblocks, they couldn't follow him forever, perhaps once he was across the river...

As he charged torwards the bridge over the Seine however his hopes were dashed; there was what looked like an entire regiment of policemen blocking the bridge at mid-stream, he quickly spun his mount torwards the side, to race along the riverbank, but more Gendarmes came boiling out of a side alley...

In the noise and confusion the noise of the rifle shot that the silencer hadn't suppressed was hardly noticed, certainly not enough so to pinpoint the direction the bullet had come from. The clerk, a hole neatly through his forehad was thrown off of the horse and tumbled onto the frozen Seine, the papers flying everywhere. It wasn't long before internal security forces arrived on the scene and began collecting the documents, and collecting the policemen who might have seen the data...

No-body noticed the quiet Oriental figure who dissipeared into the shadows, or the one who, later, retreived two sheets of paper blown off by the icy wind.
Posted: Nov 30 2006, 08:37 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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later that same night on the other side of town...

The Abwehr agent was getting annoyed. There'd been a quick message from headquarters asking for information, he wasn't sure exactly what all the details were but it had the agency's Parisian personnel scurrying around as if someone'd kicked an anthill. He'd bet his last mark that the ruckus down by the river earlier had marked the end of an uncautious agent; although police presence had been lowered in other areas due to the commotion, it didn't make him feel any better. Not to mention the fact that it was getting bloody cold.

However his mission had been successful, he'd found a link. The French Premier had in his possession a number of artifacts, precious gemstones of the type that originated in the old Anahuac territory, and hidden away in a case had been an osbedian knife...

He'd made a hasty report via telegraph, nothing really detailed of course, "Red Rover has been invested in Platinum" would be nonsense to anyone except the recipient. He'd make his full report later, first he'd warm up and then...

Had he not been so cold, he might have been more observant. Concentrating his mind on the results of his little breaking-and-entering, he hadn't been paying attention to where he was going. So when he stepped out in front of the streetcar, he never saw anything comi -
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


 22 januari 1904

Paris temps, Page 1

"The first trafic victim in Paris with a motor car.
Monsieur Daval stepped out of a streetcar, passed behind it, and was ran over by the Peugot motorette with as driver Monsieur DuPont.
The police is investigating,
more on page 4"
Posted: Dec 1 2006, 10:27 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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26 January
A warehouse deep in the heart of Paris

"So how many agents did we lose?"

"I believe the bodycount stands at twelve, Herr Takeda."


"One that we took out to avoid him singing to the police, one hit by a horseless carriage, two used their cyanide pills when facing imminent capture, one tripped while running across a railyard and was chopped in two by a locomotive..."


"...well at least it saved him from being froze to death, one fell out of a window, three were shot by the Gendarmes, one encountered some sort of booby-trap and was gassed in the face, and one was captured."


"Yes, but he won't be telling them anything."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Let's just say his vocal apparatus isn't up to the task anymore."

"Good, good. Other incriminating evidence?"

"That we cannot be so sure of. If he was following proper procedures than there should be little or nothing on his person, but if he wasn't, things could get sticky."

"Eliminate him."

"A little white lye in his water was one thing, Herr Takeda, but sneaking in to eliminate a prisioner would be quite another."

"Hmm. Well I'll bow to your judgement in this matter. I hope they appreciate what we went through to get this information, we just wiped out our entire Paris network..."
Posted: Dec 3 2006, 12:07 PM

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26 january

Premier, your files and research material has been compromised.

At least a dozen attempts are made in the last 24 hours. 4 of these were by securité personel. 1 lower ranked naval officer, 3 members of the cleaning crew, and at least 2 that are know to the gendarmes as petty criminals.

Non of these survived their crimes

We have 1 spy captured, and that only because he fumbled his suicide attempt. but according to the doctors his mouth ,throat and aesophagus are burned chemicaly, how he tried kill himself in custody without any chemicals we don't understand, probably outside help.
We keep him under morphine, untill he is healed enough to write his confessions.
The only thing that possibly is a clue are his DKB papers.

It is obviously a desperate attempt to gain information about me. Luckely that was twarted, and I hope whoever was behind this, has learned not to mock the gendarmes or securité. Losing 10 agents in 1 day, that must hurt.
But we'll have to check out how many of the personel is trustworthy, It's obvious out securite was compromised.

And the DKB papers, are they forged or guinine? But no spy would be that stupid to carry his papers with him in a mission. Also, the DKB is keeping silent the last years, except their fleet program.They don't have any reason to go this far. Maybe the Profitable thing, but I would say, their reaction on acusing Agrival on that was belief. Without more information I would look towards the more honorable side on the Profitable story.

The investigation is just started, but we will find out who was so stupid. But we'll want to know why we couldn't find you the last 20 hours... You weren't at home, nor at your office, nor at your entertainment adresses.

Agent Orange. You do not need to know everything; let us say, I was gathering information too. Never forget I was a Spy too...
Posted: Dec 6 2006, 10:11 PM

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19 March
Diplomatic Note from the DKB to the French Empire

The Deutsches Kaiserreich Brandenburg hereby formally protests the closing of the Suez Canal. This places undue restrictions on trade and also inhibits the return journey of the Kaiser from Austria...
The Rock Doctor    
Posted: Dec 6 2006, 10:31 PM


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A letter to the Editor of Le Monde, but unpublished.


Dear Sir,

Being an avid reader of this esteemed newspaper, I have noted your many articles on Brazil and the unrest there.  This was of little concern to me, being locally employed right here in Paris, until I received word of the passing of an uncle two months ago via telegram.

My late uncle had owned a rubber plantation near Manaus, in the Brazilian interior, and in his will, I had been named the executor of his estate.  I was therefore obliged to travel across the ocean to Belem, and thence to Manaus, to resolve matters per his wishes.

The situation in Belem was, to say the least, shocking.  The streets were nearly deserted, and those who were out scurried about most hastily.  The only individuals not in a hurry were the ubiqitous patrols of soldiers in French uniform - though, oddly, not a one spoke French or Portuguese.  In fact, they spoke a very harsh language I've not heard before.  They did not bother me, but they clearly frightened the locals terribly.

The staff at the hotel informed me that it would be suicidal to go out after dark.  People have been finding murdered men and women all about the city for months, often with the most gruesome mutilations.  They say it is the doing of foreign devil-worshippers, yet always seemed to imply it was the soldiers outside the building.  The hotel restaurant's menu was very limited - I was told that people were not harvesting their crops or tending their livestock very much; too many were fleeing the "heart-takers".

Somewhat alarmed, yet still determined to do right by my late uncle, I boarded the boat for Manaus just prior to Christmas and enjoyed six quiet, uneventful days of cruising up the majestic Amazon until the boat pulled into the town of Urucara, just inside the boundary of the state of Amazonas.  There, to my complete astonishment, I was asked to show my passport and travelling papers - by a pair of Gran Colombian border officers!

Looking around, I suddenly realized that Urucara was chock-full of Gran Colombian soldiers; the place resembled a military encampment more than a civilian community.  I demanded an explanation, and the Gran Colombians explained - wearily, as if tired from repeating this same statement over and over again - that Amazonas, and Roraima for that matter, had seceded from Brazil over a year ago and were now states in Gran Colombia!

The situation was not greatly different in Manaus.  I was met by an employee of my uncle at the dock, who pointed out the soldiers everywhere.  "There are more of the soldiers than there are of the rest of us", he told me.  I asked him if we were going to conduct our business at my uncle's plantation, and here he revealed shocking information:

"Your uncle's plantation no longer exists.  It was too far north of here for the soldiers to protect, and the Anahuac razed it.  A few of us were fortunate to be out in the fields and escaped with the shirts on our backs, nothing more."

Stunned, I asked him what he meant by Anahuac, for I only knew of the savages that had been conquered by Rohan, in North America.  My compatriot replied, "There is a whole city of them north of here - established in secret by our former masters.  Why, how, I do not know, but it was their recent predation on the surrounding populace that drove our leaders to seek safety with Gran Colombia.  We supported them most strongly, for the French government had abandoned us, withdrawing all their services to two of the larger cities on the coast."

I told him about my experiences in Belem and he nodded knowingly.  "It is that way across the whole of Brazil.  The tricolor may fly, but it is the Eye which controls our fair land with an iron fist.  Those are Anahuac killers wearing the formerly honorable uniform of France."

I then asked what the Gran Colombians were doing and he told me, "They are skirmishing with the Anahuac constantly.  More than a hundred have fallen in battle this month alone, but thousands more Colombian troops have come from upriver.  I believe they are preparing to root out the savages - something all civilized men should rejoice at."

Thus it was that I completed my business - which consisted largely of discharging my uncle's assets from the sole bank in Manaus.  I returned to Belem and exercised considerable caution while there - a prudent decision given that I swear upon my soul that I observed several "soldiers" toss a body from a carriage into the alley behind the hotel the morning I departed for home.

So you see, sir, this is why we hear little from Brazil; it is under the thrall of evil, an evil apparently abetted by our own government.  And all I can ask, when I think of this, is...why?

Your humble servant,

Jean-Luc Picard,
Rue de Enterprise, Paris
Posted: Dec 7 2006, 01:45 AM

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This letter will find its way to the streets in France.

But not in any newspaper. Not even in the Le Monde Street print.

The editors of le Monde are very appologetic, but their sponsor for the street print forbade them to print this letter. And the french bureaucrat who cencors all trew this piece of "fantasy" in the garbage can.
Posted: Dec 7 2006, 07:40 AM

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March 7 1904

French parliament, Palpaté in a furious wrath. (Hitler would be proud of him)

Gentlemen, an alliance of Emperors has risen, with only 1 purpose.  Gain land on the blood of French citizens.

They singled out the besieged Brazil, to "save it from the Anuhuac heatens".
With the current information it seems very likely that they also payed for the Portugese uprising.

Subtility wasn't the way to disapprove of these toughts and actions.
And our neighbors, the Habsburgers, are spoiling for war. This is twice since the new Emperor Stefan ursurped the throne.
They seem to forget that they are the last European power not in good steading with France.
Maybe that our forfathers were to friendly, and didn't teach the Habburgers the lesson of Glorious France toroughly enough?

With this list of the last months I have all the pinpricks and insults given to us by our neighbors, or do I have to say, by their leaders orders.
Befhel ist Befhel is their motto.

I urge you Gentlemen, to use the Might of France to sway the last reluctant European power to join in the European Peace.
Posted: Dec 7 2006, 10:13 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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12 March
Diplomatic Note from the DKB to the French Empire

We have noted many rumours that the forces of Brandenburg are intervening against the Anahuac in Brazil for territorial gain. We are, in fact, acting to protect the German people who are currently at the mercy of the forces of the Eye. Once order has been restored the people will be asked if they wish to return to France, or establish a new order for themselves.

We reiterate that we have no quarrel whatsoever with the people of Glorious France.
Posted: Dec 25 2006, 07:05 PM

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May 2 1904.

Paris Temps.

Premier Palpaté is angry at his non coorperating governement. Non of his plans are aknowledged. Ministers Capet and Paixhans are especcially opposed to any reforms the Premier propose to counter the invasion of Brazil, or the newly sprung up war in North America.
see page 2 for more information

The battleship in build, Napoleon the Great is canceled. The turrets from Greater Napoleon are being diverted to Halifax, the New Modern Ship Builders Paradise.
Other naval news. The F class Battleships are still not decided.Premier  Palpaté wants the biggest battleship that can take on fleets of enemy battleships, Minister Paixhans wants more hulls in the water to protect the Great Glorious French Empire

On page 7

The Hard winter 1903-1904 did take its toll. Over 4 milion dead in the French empire.
Posted: Dec 26 2006, 07:25 AM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Austrian diplomacy extends discrete feelers towards Paixhans and Capet, inquiring what could the Habsburgs do to help their efforts in making France behave "normally".
Posted: Dec 26 2006, 09:37 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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Having attempted (offstage) to sway the opinion of Monsieur Paixhains, without success, Ambassador Takeda now quitetly approaches M. Capet, discreetly inquiring as to potential means and methods to 'steer the world situation to evolve torwards our joint interests and profit'.
Posted: Dec 27 2006, 01:44 AM

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Bonjour Ambassador Takeda,

How can I help you?

Minister Capet, I believe we can help you. You and Minister Paixhans are the most honorable and concequent ministers in the French Governement.
But without support, you cannot keep Premier Palpaté from unleashing a world war.

How do you come to that conclusion? Also, going with this , I could be committing treason. My post as minister is already tedious, as my party did just get enough votes to form a majority with the Liberals. And if Palpaté reminds the senators that the post of Minister Dupré still is unfilled, he can place one of his toadies there. And with that majority, he won't have much trouble to replace me with yet another liberal that lives from his pockets.
But I agree. Only, my supporter in avoiding a world war, the minister of Defence Paixhans is rather stubborn and his only wish is to defend France.

No, I think we can't have this conversation in these surrondings, nor in this line of tought.

I hope these papers will convince you that Premier Palpaté is the worst treath to France since the Pruissian invasion in 1870.Let me know when you are ready to talk more.
Posted: Dec 27 2006, 01:58 AM

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May 4 1904,

Premier Palpaté, I have several bits of news, and non really good.

Go on Agent Orange.

You know the spy we caught during the 10 spy spree? the one who couldn't talk due a burned throat. He won't write nor talk anymore.

How come? Don't tell me he was killed, or committed suicide.

At first glance it seems an accident. His medical report indicated that he got no dose of morphine this morning, so the nurse gave him an injection.
An hour later, the doctor came by ,and again, the report did indicate that he was due for another shot.

Now this wouldn't have killed him. Unfortunately, the nurse and the doctor were using new vials of morphine, but these were filled with the more powerfull and less addictive Heroïn. And that proved to much .

Extensive interrogation did prove that the nurse and the doctor did fill in the report according to the rules. So somebody switched the reports. Unfortunately, we don't have a clue yet who did it.

Merde Merde Merde.

Agent Orange, you are in charge of this investigation.

Paris Temps may 4th 1904

The huge liner Magnificient did arrive at the rade of Brest. The gargantuan vessel ,prepared as troop transport will be transporting the aplha division of the Legion Etranger Tjaad to Petropolis, as honor guard to Premier Palpaté, who will inspect the Brazillian situation himself.
Posted: Dec 29 2006, 06:29 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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"Meditation Room"
DKB Ambassador's Residence

"So you were successful?"

"Hai. We successfully executed the switch as you directed. We were nearly caught by one of the nurses, however we managed to avoid her. This was a good thing as she was rather large and..."

"Yes, yes. You have done well. I regret having to waste assets, but c'est la vie!. Now we must only wait to see what Monsieur Capet will do..."
Posted: Dec 30 2006, 01:40 AM

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May 6th 1904, Minister Capets house in Paris.

Fernandel, .... FERNANDEL

Yes Minister Capet? How can I serve you?

Get this message to Ambassador Takeda of the Deutsche Kaiserreigh Brandenburg.
It is of utmost importance towards the future of France.
You have to wait on a reply,and bring it to me, at Minister Paixhans office. It is very important...

The message, as read by ambassador Takeda


Ambassador Takeda, the information you delivered me convinced me that the rumors are true. Premier Palpaté has not the best intentions for France, but his allegiance is to another darker power.
If you allow me, can I turn this information my ally?

My messenger will await your reply.

Citizen C.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


 may 6th 1904.

Minster Paixhans, minister Capet is here to see you.

Show him in, Mario..

Bonjour Paixhans, we have a golden opportunity to get rid of a fiend of darkness.

Ah Capet, you're being very direct. How do you explain the Fiend Of Darkness exclamation?
Simple, cher collègue. Now that dictator Palpate is wallowing in luxury on the Magnificent, we have the ideal opportunity to bring forth our case against him before the parliament. I aquired extra information trough sources better not mentioned. Read for yourself.

Oh, give me a moment then.

Posted: Jan 2 2007, 06:51 AM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Late April, note to Paixans, discreetely passed on by Naval Attache von Fernseher:
"Austria ackowledges French soveirnigty in Brasil, and flies the Tricoleur above the Schwarzgelb. This can be confirmed by independent sources, i.e. the Rittermark."

Posted: Jan 3 2007, 07:04 PM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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QUOTE (Maddox @ Dec 30 2006, 01:40 AM)
Ambassador Takeda, the information you delivered me convinced me that the rumors are true. Premier Palpaté has not the best intentions for France, but his allegiance is to another darker power.
If you allow me, can I turn this information my ally?

My messenger will await your reply.

Citizen C.


"This would be most acceptable, if the source is referred to, perhaps, as 'Blue Lagoon'."

Ambassador Takeda smiled as the courier scurried away with the message. "The game is afoot," he mused to the air. He thought back to a rather...profitable business trip he'd once taken to California before accepting the ambassadorial post. "I believe you are holding aces and eights, Monsieur Palpate. Your move..."


QUOTE (Borys)
Late April, note to Paixans, discreetely passed on by Naval Attache von Fernseher:
"Austria ackowledges French soveirnigty in Brasil, and flies the Tricoleur above the Schwarzgelb. This can be confirmed by independent sources, i.e. the Rittermark."

A companion note from the DKB Ambassador states something along the lines of "Despite the claims of some with hidden agendas, the black white and red does not fly in conquest over Rio Grande do Sul. We seek only to help our friends in Paris in this difficult time."
Posted: Jan 4 2007, 08:15 AM

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Paris Temps may 20

The Great Liner Magnificent arrived at Brazil, and the unloading of the glorious Vessel is already in progres.

Premier Palpaté commented on this trip, "It is like a ride on a flying carpet"
Posted: Jan 5 2007, 05:23 AM

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Petropolis, Brazil may 22

Generals, we have a serious job to to. Crush the Portugese rebels and contain the invasions of the meddling barbarian Goths.

Premier, what about the Gran Colombians? They infest the amazon itself.

No worries, they are taking a too big bite to chew. I leave it to you and your army to eradicate the Portugese, rebels and simular rabble in FRENCH Brazil.

I will travel to El Dorado, so I can verify and deny the accusations made by those dimwitted biased catholic freaks. Our guests at El Dorado will supply me with a travel escort, so you will have all the manpower needed to start operation "cleansing".

At your orders Premier Palpaté.
Posted: Jan 5 2007, 06:40 AM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Will it be a heartfelt hurr-hurr trip?
Posted: Jan 10 2007, 05:18 PM

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Petropolis June 8th 1904

A large unit of Anuhuac soldiers together with the bagage train of Premier palpaté and his entourage did leave Petropolis en route to El Dorado.
Telegraph wires will be mounted along the route to keep in touch with the rest of the French empire.

2 July 1904

Paris, the corridors of parliament

Minister Capet, can I have a moment of your time?

Yes Monsieur Grange.
I have strange news on the markets.  The EK is buying a lot of rubber from Brazil, Gran Colombia and even Indochina.  Could they have perfected the rubberizing of the gasbags of their airships?

I doubt that monsieur Grange.  As far as I know we lost at least 1 airship because the rubber got static and a spark did ignite excaped hydrogen.
But who knows, now they are at war, it could be that they are willing to take the risk. As the Prototype IV flew at least 250 km before the mishap.
Maybe for hot air baloons?

I don't know, should we limit the export? The chances are that they will use it in the war efford against the UKA.

No monsieur grange. The UKA's help for the New Swiss in Anchorage is not covered in the Treaty of New York. It is not of our concern.  But to be sure i'll send a telegraph message to Premier palpaté and ask Minister Paixhans about this. But do follow it.  It could get interesting.
Posted: Jan 19 2007, 11:22 AM

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Paris 6 august 1904.

Monsieurs.  France is in great peril.
What we feared has come true.  The Middle Kingdom, stung by those idiots new Swiss has awoken, and the dragon is hungry after millenia of slumber.
As we speak, sources do tell huge troop transports from the Middle Kingdom towards Dutch indochina.  But also the Siamese are going east.

With the corps we have in Indochina now, we cannot defend against a prepared and multi pronged attack. I on my authority as minister of defence have pulled back the 6th Corps Zouaves to the Fortress of Touranne.  If the Middle Kingdom is willing to risk invading the defended part of Indochina, our 2 corps can hold out in the fortresses of Touranne and Greater Napoleon untill we can send in the reinforcements from Africa and South India.

The replies I got from Brazil, from premier Palpaté are inconclusive, nor do they give us any more strong options than to weather this.

Our UKA and  Russian treaty partners already sended telegraphs with offers of support if the MK or Siamese, or who-ever invades South Indochina. But not the northern part vacated by the Dutch. If France wants to re-establish her might there, she'll have to do it on her own, to show the world that the Patrie still is Glorious.

I will give word to Minister Capet. ...
Posted: Jan 25 2007, 03:27 AM

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August 20 1904


Docteur, This doesn't look good.

No, it doesn't.
Never seen a case of consumption acting this fast.

Where is he from?

Sorry Docteur, we don't know, he was brought in deliriously.
It seems he was taking morphine against the pain and coughing. But in his weakened state, he just collapsed and his shipmates brought him in.

Keep him cool, use anything to get the fever down and take blood samples for L'institute Pasteur. Maybe that they know or learn more about this case.
If he's strong enough, he can pull trough, but I doubt that.

Posted: Jan 27 2007, 01:38 AM

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2 Septembre 1904

Minister Capets home.

Paixhans, we lost every contact over the wire with Premier Palpaté.
Is this the time to ask again for the Impeachment ?
It was over 15 days we had any replies, and over 2 months for any serious decision.

No Louis, this is about the worst time we could ask that. The Premier isn't available to answer our questions, and the proof we have of his duplicity is not validated. Most of the parliament will see it as a weak slander campagne. Monsieur Grange will ask us to reveil our sources, and we do not want that. The implications are too big. Do we want a war with the DKB? It's just a friendly nudge to the MK, and the hordes of the yellow peril will flow to Fortress Greater Napoleon. Can you imagine the Chinese have put in motion an army 4 times as big as what we have in Indochina. Just to "pacify" North Indochina. I don't want to see them going for a war against france. Even their fleet is a match for us there, unless we send in more sloops and battleships, and those are tied up in Brazil.
Up to now that Bloodthirsty Empress did keep her word to us, and non of her units are closer to Touranne than 300 miles.

Oh merde, that is true. The New Swiss did send us an offer. The Spratleys in exchange for a support force for Indochina. The envoy of the United states of New Switserland did bring me that lately. Any use? The support they offer consists of a lot of ships. I arranged at least a token effort, and chartered a collier to supply a few of the NS cruisers en route to the conflict area.

Louis, we can't accept that. Even if I'm tempted. But imagine the concequences.
The Middle Kingdom still is at war with the New Swiss, and with the possibility of those yellow bastards trowing 100 000's on our defences in Indochina just to deny the New Swiss any support. It's not that the NS can transport enough troops in a short enough time to be of use.
Also, And I hope you can pull that off, is at least a token effort of a peace with the MK. That is still in the outlines put down by Palpaté. We can work on that angle, not the NS. I'll make it easier for your people to get into Austria and will pull of a corps from the "watch am alps", and stand down the others.

Posted: Feb 5 2007, 08:45 AM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Austrian diplomacy discretely reminds Messers Paixhans and Capet that the French Gov't, of which they made part, signed away the province of Amazonas to Gran Colombia. Thus it would be only proper if operations against "El Dorado" were with the consent of the country on whose soil the operations were to take place.
Oh, yes, Austria is well aware that it is guilty of an apparently similar act. But appearances may be misleading, as we well know.
Beati qui tenit, as the Wisdom of the Ancients put it - Blessed he who ownes. Crusading forces in Brasil are yet to enounter a live French official, whereas they have encountered some dead ones, and quite a few Anuhuac military officers - some of which are unfortunately still alive and at large. Contrast this tenuous - if at all - French hold over French Brasil with the vigour with which Gran Colombia is trying to erase this Offence to Humanity from the face of the Earth.
Posted: Feb 6 2007, 03:27 PM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Paris, afternoon of Wedensday the 5th September 1904

The portly Habsburg Trade Secretary was using that new invention - the telephone - or sending out notes to arrange evening or eary morning meetings. He could guess at the "why" of the first point of his insctruction. But point two - "buy opium futures" - was beyond his comprehension.
Posted: Feb 7 2007, 09:29 AM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Bourse de Paris, Thursday, October 6th 1904

The market continued in the doldrums to which it had slipped after the dissapearance of Palpete. The regained direction of French governance given by the Dynamic Duo - Paixhans and Capet - had long been discounted. And then dragged down by the smoldering uncertainity over North Indochina. Although prices continued low and trading valume was generally low as well, there was unexpected heavy buying of French Gov't bonds by banks and brokers know to front for institutional buyers. The floor was practically certain that it was the Gov't itself, or through "pressured" frendly banks which was taking the oportunity to buy back national debt at a low price. "Shrewd fellows, messers P&D."

On the commodities markets again activity by banks and large brokers was noted, in the purchases of opium futures. Here prices had jumped up after the Indochina crises had appeared, and had slowly dirifted down, but still above the level preceding the Dutch withdrawal.

Posted: Feb 9 2007, 08:01 AM

Kaiser und Koenig Stefan

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Paris Bourse, Friday the 7th of October

Since the morning there had been rumours of impeding Franco-Manchu agreement on Indochina. Trading was initially cautious, but the Bulls were buying up Gov't Bonds and stocks of firms closely tied with the State. By noon the rally has swept acorss the market, with percentage gains on morning prices being in the double figures. On Monday the bullish rally continued, as by that time the rumours had become accepted as fact. In the frentic buying of same securities as on Friday and the large volumes involved, the unloading of Bonds bought on Wedesday and Thursday by intitutional buyers passed unnoticed.

In related news, more details emerging about the Vienna Accord mentioned curbs on the trade in opium. This brought about nervousnes on the Commodity Market, with fears of loss of Viet Nam supplies of that coodity pushing up shirt term futures prices. Again the previous week's institutional buyers of such futures made a killing.

NOTE: Insider trading in Europe was an in-built feature of the market. In this respect the US was always different.
Posted: Feb 11 2007, 10:27 AM

Großeadmiral Sumpfhühn

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DKB Ambassadorial residence, Paris

"What are your orders with regard to the supply of opium, Herr Takeda?"

"Nothing, my friends. I heard about this beforehand. A reduced supply may require that we close down a club or two, but remember the law of supply and demand..."

Paris, parliament 7 october 1904

Messieurs, Our new Envoy to Vienna had a most profitable meeting with the Middle Kingdom ambassador the Honored prince Pu Lun.

And what could that be, Minister Capet? Is France going to lay down, or give paws to the decadent Middle Kingdom? Do we surrender complete Indochina? We all remember the harsh decision to give North Indochina to The netherlands.
Or is it the puny Siam we're satisfying?

No, temporary head of Welfare and social affairs monsieur Grange. France is regaining a major part of North Indochina. And gets a stabile border with the Middle Kingdom, and possible a new treaty. After 50 years of state of war it is refreshing to see the Dragon of the Middle Kingdom seeing sence.

What the Middle Kingdom embassador proposed is just a minor readjustment of the borders, with a small concession to the Siamese.

The proposal I support fully is to draw a new border.
The 2 harbor cities Vihn and Ha Tinh mark the border. In between there will be no traffic. All trade, and that should be a lot more than now, is to be conducted between those 2 cities.
1 big restriction. No Opium trade whatsoever. It is what got us in the middle Kingdom mess . If they elect to go without the medicinal qualities of the poppy it's their problem.

The heartlands, called Laos, and currently occupied by Siam are of less economical value, if the poppy trade is restricted. Why put France into an expensive war if trade and common sence can achive much more?

Minister Capet, why the big change of the Middle Kingdom?

I can't tell Minister Paixhans, maybe Empress Longyu is smarter than her grandaunt Empress Cixi... Or at least Prince Pu Lun had a better deck of cards and more freedom than his predeccessor.

Do we agree on this? Or what do we want to change on our Middle kingdom policies?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!