Fortifications, Siege Artillery, and Coast Defense

Started by Guinness, October 29, 2009, 12:23:36 PM

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Fortresses may be built in a number of sizes. A nation must posess the applicable Infantry tech (listed in the first column) before they can build or upgrade a fortress at that level. To upgrade a fortress's level or size costs simply the difference in price between the old fortress and the new.

When the garrison manning a fortress is forced to leave their prepared defenses, they become 'detached', and their maintenance costs and fighting characteristics become as those listed in the second half of the table below.

Fortresses require one half year per citadel to construct or expand.

1 Citadel Fortress
1880 Dated0.50.5$20.125$0.200$0.100$0.020          2,750
1895 Baseline0.6671$2.6670.250$0.267$0.133$0.027          2,750
1905 Advanced0.8331.5$3.3330.375$0.333$0.167$0.033          2,750
1915 Cutting Edge   12$40.5$0.400$0.200$0.040          2,750
3 Citadel Fortress
1880 Dated1.51.5$60.375$0.600$0.300$0.060          8,250
1895 Baseline23$80.75$0.800$0.400$0.080          8,250
1905 Advanced2.54.5$101.125$1.000$0.500$0.100          8,250
1915 Cutting Edge   36$121.5$1.200$0.600$0.120          8,250
6 Citadel Fortress
1880 Dated33$120.75$1.200$0.600$0.120         16,500
1895 Baseline46$161.5$1.600$0.800$0.160         16,500
1905 Advanced59$202.25$2.000$1.000$0.200         16,500
1915 Cutting Edge   612$243$2.400$1.200$0.240         16,500
12 Citadel Fortress
1880 Dated66$241.5$2.400$1.200$0.240         33,000
1895 Baseline812$323$3.200$1.600$0.320         33,000
1905 Advanced1018$404.5$4.000$2.000$0.400         33,000
1915 Cutting Edge   1224$486$4.800$2.400$0.480         33,000
18 Citadel Fortress
1880 Dated99$362.25$3.600$1.800$0.360         49,500
1895 Baseline1218$484.5$4.800$2.400$0.480         49,500
1905 Advanced1527$606.75$6.000$3.000$0.600         49,500
1915 Cutting Edge   1836$729$7.200$3.600$0.720         49,500
1 Citadel Fortress Garrison (Detached)
1880 Dated0.1650NANA$0.033$0.017$0.003          2,750
1895 Baseline0.2200NANA$0.044$0.022$0.004          2,750
1905 Advanced0.2750NANA$0.055$0.028$0.006          2,750
1915 Cutting Edge   0.3300NANA$0.066$0.033$0.007          2,750
3 Citadel Fortress Garrison (Detached)
1880 Dated0.4950NANA$0.099$0.051$0.009          8,250
1895 Baseline0.6600NANA$0.132$0.066$0.012          8,250
1905 Advanced0.8250NANA$0.165$0.084$0.018          8,250
1915 Cutting Edge   0.9900NANA$0.198$0.099$0.021          8,250
6 Citadel Fortress Garrison (Detached)
1880 Dated0.9900NANA$0.198$0.102$0.018         16,500
1895 Baseline1.3200NANA$0.264$0.132$0.024         16,500
1905 Advanced1.6500NANA$0.330$0.168$0.036         16,500
1915 Cutting Edge   1.9800NANA$0.396$0.198$0.042         16,500
12 Citadel Fortress (Detached)
1880 Dated1.9800NANA$0.396$0.204$0.036         33,000
1895 Baseline2.6400NANA$0.528$0.264$0.048         33,000
1905 Advanced3.3000NANA$0.660$0.336$0.072         33,000
1915 Cutting Edge   3.9600NANA$0.792$0.396$0.084         33,000
18 Citadel Fortress (Detached)
1880 Dated2.9700NANA$0.59$0.31$0.05         49,500
1895 Baseline3.9600NANA$0.79$0.40$0.07         49,500
1905 Advanced4.9500NANA$0.99$0.50$0.11         49,500
1915 Cutting Edge   5.9400NANA$1.19$0.59$0.13         49,500

Fortified Lines

Fortified lines are another type of static defense emplacement. They are generally used for static defense against an attacking enemy. In general, their characteristics are similar to their corresponding infantry units, with the additions of static defense elements like trenchworks and additional artillery.

When the garrison manning a fortified line is forced to leave their prepared defenses, they become 'detached', and their maintenance costs and fighting characteristics become as those listed in the second half of the table below.

As is the case with forts, a nation must possess the applicable infantry tech listed in the first column of the table before a fortified line of that level may be constructed. Fortified lines may be upgraded from level to level or added to in length at a cost of simply the difference in $ and BP between the old line and the new.

Fortified lines require one half year per 10 km to construct.

RatingArtilleryMoneyBPMobilizedActiveReserve Manpower
10 Kilometer Fortified Line (Half-Division)
1880 Dated0.750.5$30.125$0.300$0.150$0.030 12,500
1895 Baseline11$40.25$0.400$0.200$0.040 12,500
1905 Advanced1.251.5$50.375$0.500$0.250$0.050 12,500
1915 Cutting Edge   1.52$60.5$0.600$0.300$0.060 12,500
20 Kilometer Fortified Line (Division)
1880 Dated1.51$60.25$0.600$0.300$0.060 25,000
1895 Baseline22$80.5$0.800$0.400$0.080 25,000
1905 Advanced2.53$100.75$1.000$0.500$0.100 25,000
1915 Cutting Edge   34$121$1.200$0.600$0.120 25,000
40 Kilometer Fortified Line (Corps)
1880 Dated32$120.5$1.200$0.600$0.120 50,000
1895 Baseline44$161$1.600$0.800$0.160 50,000
1905 Advanced56$201.5$2.000$1.000$0.200 50,000
1915 Cutting Edge   68$242$2.400$1.200$0.240 50,000
Half-Division Sized Garrison (Detached), Fortified Line
1880 Dated0.250NANA$0.050$0.025$0.005 12,500
1895 Baseline0.50NANA$0.100$0.050$0.010 12,500
1905 Advanced0.750.125NANA$0.150$0.075$0.015 12,500
1915 Cutting Edge   10.25NANA$0.200$0.100$0.020 12,500
Division Sized Garrison (Detached), Fortified Line
1880 Dated0.50NANA$0.100$0.050$0.010 25,000
1895 Baseline10NANA$0.200$0.100$0.020 25,000
1905 Advanced1.50.25NANA$0.300$0.150$0.030 25,000
1915 Cutting Edge   20.5NANA$0.400$0.200$0.040 25,000
Corps Sized Garrison (Detached), Fortified Line
1880 Dated10NANA$0.200$0.100$0.020 50,000
1895 Baseline20NANA$0.400$0.200$0.040 50,000
1905 Advanced30.5NANA$0.600$0.300$0.060 50,000
1915 Cutting Edge   41NANA$0.800$0.400$0.080 50,000

Siege Artillery

A siege artillery battery is actually a regular Army unit which is specialized only in artillery bombardment, and has no infantry fighting power. A nation must possess the applicable Infantry tech (listed in the first column) before they can acquire a siege artillery battery of that level. The cost to upgrade a siege artillery battery is simply the difference in cost between the old level and the new.

Siege Artillery, Battery
1880 Dated00.5$20.125$0.200$0.100$0.020500
1895 Baseline01$2.6670.250$0.267$0.133$0.027500
1905 Advanced01.5$3.3330.375$0.333$0.167$0.033500
1915 Cutting Edge   02$40.5$0.400$0.200$0.040500


Coast Defense

Coast defense batteries may be constructed. Guns may be emplaced in turrets, in casemates, or in pits on disappearing carriages. The costs differ for each option according to the table below. The standard emplacement of a coastal gun can be expected to withstand damage from a projectile fired from a gun of similar caliber, with a few exceptions.

In addition, coast defense guns may be provided with 'extra defense' or 'massive defense' emplacements. This has the effect of adding to the amount of punishment that emplacement can take. Extra defense means that a gun can successfully withstand a hit from a typical projectile from the next size up gun in the table below. Massive defense means that the gun can successfully withstand nearly any foreseeable enemy projectile. In both cases, the weapons themselves must be exposed, and are still subject to damage or destruction by a direct hit.

Turrets have the advantage over casemates of a much wider field of fire. Disappearing carriages have a nearly unlimited field of fire similar to turrets, but remain open to plunging fire from above, no matter what protection has bee provided for them.

To calculate the costs of coast defense batteries, add up the costs in $ and BP of each gun equipping that battery, plus the costs for extra or massive defense, again per gun. Upkeep percentages are the same as those used for naval ships. The values in the table are provided for reference.

For example, a 4x15" casemate battery with extra defense provided would cost:

0.75 * 4 = $3 and 3BP, plus 2 * 4 = $8 and 8BP for extra defense. The total is $11 and 11 BP.

Maintenance for the same battery would be:
Mobilized: $11 / 40 = $0.275 per half
Active: $11 / 80 = $0.1375
Reserve: $11 / 400 = $0.0275

It is assumed that any coastal battery includes necessary communications and fire control systems.

Coast defense guns 8.01" and larger require 6 months to construct the gun, and 6 months to install it, for a total of 1 year for project completion. Guns below 8.01" require 3 months to construct the gun, and 3 months to install it, for a total of 6 months for project completion.

TurretDisappearing Carriage
Gun Size$BPMobilizedActiveReserveGun Size$BPMobilizedActiveReserve
18.01 - 20" - 20"0.750.750.01880.00940.0019
16.01 - 18" - 18"0.550.550.01380.00690.0014
14.01 - 16" - 16"0.380.380.00950.00480.0010
12.01 - 14"110.02500.01250.002512.01 - 14"
10.01 - 12"0.650.650.01630.00810.001610.01 - 12"
8.01 - 10"0.380.380.00950.00480.00108.01 - 10"
6.01 - 8" - 8"
6" or less0.080.080.00200.00100.00026" or less0.020.020.00050.00030.0001
Gun Size$BPMobilizedActiveReserve$BPMobilizedActiveReserve
18.01 - 20"1.501.500.03750.01880.003814.01" + ED220.05000.02500.0050
16.01 - 18"" + MD660.15000.07500.0150
14.01 - 16"0.750.750.01880.00940.00198.01" - 14.01" ED0.680.680.01700.00850.0017
12.01 - 14"" - 14.01" MD220.05000.02500.0050
10.01 - 12"0.330.330.00830.00410.00088" or less ED0.130.130.00330.00160.0003
8.01 - 10"" or less MD0.380.380.00950.00480.0010
6.01 - 8" = Extra Defense: Provides protection against a projectile
one caliber band larger than the gun that is protected.
6" or less0.040.040.00100.00050.0001MD = Massive Defense: Is virtually impervious to enemy fire

Guns or whole turrets may be reused in coast defense batteries, in which case the cost of that battery is reduced.

When reusing just guns themselves:
Turreted Coast defense battery, reduce cost in $ and BP by 1/6 compared to that built with a new gun.
Casement Coast defense battery, reduce cost in $ and BP by 1/3 compared to that built with a new gun.
Disappearing Carriage Battery, reduce cost in $ and BP by 2/3 compared to that built with a new gun.

Re-using a turret with it's guns guns:
Turreted coast defense battery, reduce cost in $ and BP by 1/2 compared to that of building a new turret and guns.

These cost adjustments are applied before the cost for extra or massive defense is added.

Fixed an inconsequential typo



29 Oct 2009 (for 1/1918): This replaces the old rules on the subject, which can be found here:

30 Oct 2009: Updated with time required to construct fortresses, fortified lines, and coast defense guns.

05 Nov 2009: Update the headings of the smallest example of fortified lines from "brigade" to "half-division".

07 Nov 2009: Added rules for reusing naval guns in coast defense batteries.