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News of the Mark, 2Q1898

Started by Borys, March 23, 2007, 12:55:19 PM

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April 3, 1898

New Beleriand's elite guard was alarmed today by reports of an army in the jungles in the north. As Rohan has none of the Gondorian Eoreds stationed that close to the border at this time, the only logical concussion is that the Southern Sarumans are staging troop movements again in the disputed areas. Denethor Cotton, Marshal of Gondor, has dispatched six Eored of jungle infantry to the border north of Brithombar. These units are the Six Eoreds of First Micelhusl of Serni House, one of the houses of Gondor to survive. As you know the tradition of maintianing all forces in eoreds harkens back to the days of Eomer King, Friend of King Elessar. Modern warfare has made the grouping of six eoreds standard practice, and is the equivalent of a European corp. Each six eored unit is controlled by either a house of Gondor, a providence/city of Rohan, or a tribal nation. Some of the larger nations and providences have multiple sets of eoreds. These sets of six are sometimes known as a corp in Europe, but in Rohan are know as Micelhusl (great host). The Micelhusl of Serni House will be stationed on the border for the next six months.

April 6, 1898

Red Cloud, Professor at Osgiliath University, spoke today about the dangers presented by modern technologies and the spreading of the Religions of the Middle East. "The customs and practices from the Eastern Lands do not follow the natural course of the world, and have proven to be destructive not only to themselves, but to others". His views of how the Europeans have used their religion to conquor and destroy in the name of the creator over the last thousand years are seen as evidence that they are working on a false premise. He further implied that the Middle Eastern roots to this religion, and the misconceptions that grouping of people have on the beginning times is the root cause of the problem. "While it would be grand of us to tell them to let their past troubles pass away like the winters of old, we also hold on to our past. However we have seem to have better accounts of the events of the world that go even father back then any of the Middle Eastern texts. This does not imply superior knowledge. But at least we have more to compare beliefs verses our actions." It has been noted that the views for Red Cloud Professor are not the views generally of the Rohirrim, but his views are gathering a following in the Eastern States.

April 9, 1898

Rohirrim Foreign Relations Advisory Council has taken advances from both the Russian Empire and the Deutsches Kaiserreich Brandenburg today. It seems the activities of our Sarumanian neighbors has some of the Pacific powers attempting to build bridges across the waves to out humble green lands. The Germans simple asked questions, while the Russian Foreign Minister Graf A. Muraviev, was more for a Non-Agression Pact between the Kingdom and the Empire. The King has welcomed these advances, mainly in an effort to keep the Europeans out of Rohan's affairs if possible, and to show a stance of non-Imperialism that Rohan holds. Another reason would be so that our enemies will not receive as much support from foreign powers, and therefore potentially isolate them. Perhaps they will see that they should not act in such an orcish manner, and leave the Gondorian population alone. History...even their history clearly shows the Gondorians where their first, and that their institution of slaughter will gain them nothing in this age.

April 14, 1898

Cruiser Orodruin arrived only a day late at the port of Ammon-In-Gelydh (San Jaun del Sur) early in the afternoon this day. The trip was said to be rather uneventful. The vessel handles quite well for the range she has, and the dangers of the Horn were passed with only a little trouble. Orodruin was greeted by the Union Del Sur-America's battleship Libertadand the cruiser Nueve de Julio in the Atlantic side, and the battleship Capitan Prat and the cruiser Esmeralda on the Pacific side. Orodruin has been reassigned to the Central Pacific Fleet for the time being, but it is expected to be moved to Mithlond so the naval architects can see what the next step in cruiser evolution with be between the Combat Cruiser and the Belted Cruiser.

April 18, 1898

Three days ago a Russian Training Squadron, under the command of Admiral Iessen was escorted into Harlond by the Goldwine, Battleship of the Mark. After accepting dinner from the Russians, Heorl Lithol Captain of Goldwine, invited the Admiral and his staff to the Goldwine for breakfest the next day. The Russians seemed impressed by the size of the Goldwine and the amount of firepower she had. They did mention the need for speed and range should not be overlooked, and the Captain agreed with the statement, but pointed out that the enemies of Rohan will have to come to the speed and range were not as needed as firepower and armor in the present fleet. Future developments may change this thinking as more powerful and possibly lighter engines become avalible. The Russians departed yesturday under escort from the Goldwine until they reached international waters.

April 28, 1898

The newly acquired Confederate cruisers have been interned at Dol Amroth for the next three months while crews are selected and trained how to use the ships equipment. It is expected that some of the vessels might be scrapped to provide materials to refit the other vessels and the 12 additional units to be received later this year. Work will probably be done at Dol Amroth, North Mithlond, or Pelargir (Portland).
Afterwards at least half of the total number of vessels will be placed on active duty to increase patrols in the Pacific Ocean. No word as of yet where these ships will be stations, or any will need to go around the Horn to get to Eglarest.

May 1, 1898
(Day of the King)

The Day of the King has come again. Today we remember the Kings of old. From Eorl the Young to Arathorn XI we remember them all as best we can. Everyone has their favorate King or Queen. Many remember Eowyn (II) Queen of the Mark and Gondor from just after the Cataclysm. She who lead the people to safty as the ashes of Mt. Doom dropped the lands into a icy slumber. It is she who gathered what Gondorians could be found south of Rohan and unite them under her crown. It was not until nearly 900 years had passed that Rohan found the remaining Kingdom of Gondor far to the south in what is today New Beleraind and the surrounding region. Others remember Arathorn (VII) King, who drove the Olmec into the sea and in the year 601 of the Sixth Age, and was proclaimed King of Rohan and Gondor by the Gondorians of New Beleriand once it was discovered that he alone had the strongest trace of the blood of Elendil left in the known world. Some of the more adventurous think back farther to Theoden (I) King, and his nephew Eomer (I) King. They are perhaps the most legendary of kings. However the cerimony of the Rulers of Rohan is for August on Theoden's Day. This day is for all kings...Rohirrim, Gondorian, and those that came before. This day also remembers the King Elessar, who lead with wisdom and justice in the Fourth Age. None know if he truely lived to be 207 years old. Maybe one day when the technology is avalible we can see for sure, as his body still lays in state in Mundburg with two small people that we can only assume to be the hobbits Peregrin and Meriadoc. Who they really are in not know for sure.

May 11, 1898

Upgrades in wireless communications have been scheduled for all warships of the Mark as they undergo routine maintenance over the next six months. All newer vessels from Theoden onward already have the current system, but the older vessels still in service need the upgrade in order to stay in communication with the Marshals, if not each other. The first vessel to receive the upgrade is the Gram. It's wireless was added right after the wargames last March.

May 23, 1898

Today talks renewed between Foreign Advisor Gamling Arodson and Russian Foreign Minister Graf A. Muraviev on the topic of a non-agression pact. The King says that he wishes for peace but will not be a subject to European whims or power plays. In such the proposed treaty will be limited to five years, as which time the parties my renew or walk away from the agreement. It is assumed that the Russians don't want Rohan to interfere in their affairs, and Rohan does not want the Russians to get involved in American affairs. The recent Russian Treaty with France and the New Swiss still leave some nobles to question the Russians motives.

May 25, 1898

Diplomate to Russia Hama Running Bear left today on a steamer to Port Arthur. He will them proceed to St. Petersburg to sign the Non-Agression pact for Rohan. And Russian representitve will be set to Edoras to sign for the Czar as well.

June 8, 1898

The Non-Agression Pact with the Russian Empire was signed today in both St. Petersburg and Edoras. Copies will be sent to their opposite numbers.

June 20, 1898

Cruiser Orodruin arrived today in North Mithlond for a ship evaluation. Naval architects will go over what the next step in cruisers will be, and if the advancement of the Orodruim can be applied to battleships. One of the more brilliant of the architects and the designer of the Orodruin was also there, Lady Shizuku Oyama of Mithlond. They expect to be able able to at least bring forth some new concepts in the coming few months, as Orodruin is expected to be stationed here for a while.

June 29, 1898

Rumors of Enemy forces within New Beleriand's borders have escalated in the last few weeks. The First Eored of the Micelhusl of Serni House has been dispatched into the jungles to investigate these rumors. Naval patrols have also increased outside of port major naval bases on the "Mosquito Coast". Goldwine, Battleship of the Mark is being reassigned to this area and will leave in the next month for Eglarest.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!