Army of Korea

Started by Walter, April 08, 2007, 08:16:59 AM

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Headquarters: Seoul
Commanding officer: General Prinzregent Alaricus Ludwig Isidor Eldrich Nickolaus Praeger, Grossherzog von Korea und Graf von Pranger/Grand Duc de Coree et Comte de Pranger/ Grand Duke of Korea and Count of Pranger.

The army of Korea commanded by General Prinzregent Praeger.

General Prinzregent Praeger (left) discussing business with his Second in Command, General Rasputin.
Screenshot of Baron Roman Friederich Nickolaus von Ungern-Sternberg and Rasputin from the Corto Maltese animation La Cour Secrete des Arcanes. Ever since Borys mentioned the name Praeger, the image of von Ungern-Sternberg as he appeared in the Corto Maltese Comic and animation kept popping up in my mind.

Praeger's Korean Army:
-- Korean I Corps
---- 1st Korean Infantry Division
------ 1. Infantry Brigade
------ 2. Infantry Brigade
------ 3. Infantry Brigade
------ 1. Divisinal Artillery
---- 2nd Korean Infantry Division
------ 4. Infantry Brigade
------ 5. Infantry Brigade
------ 6. Infantry Brigade
------ 2. Divisinal Artillery
---- 3rd Korean Infantry Division
------ 7. Infantry Brigade
------ 8. Infantry Brigade
------ 9. Infantry Brigade
------ 3. Divisinal Artillery
---- 4th Korean Infantry Division
------ 10. Infantry Brigade
------ 11. Infantry Brigade
------ 12. Infantry Brigade
------ 4. Divisinal Artillery
---- I Korean Corps Artillery
------ 1. Artillery Battalion
------ 2. Artillery Battalion
------ 3. Artillery Battalion
------ 4. Artillery Battalion
-- Korean II Corps
---- 5th Korean Infantry Division
------ 13. Infantry Brigade
------ 14. Infantry Brigade
------ 15. Infantry Brigade
------ 5. Divisinal Artillery
---- 6th Korean Infantry Division
------ 16. Infantry Brigade
------ 17. Infantry Brigade
------ 18. Infantry Brigade
------ 6. Divisinal Artillery
---- 7th Korean Infantry Division
------ 19. Infantry Brigade
------ 20. Infantry Brigade
------ 21. Infantry Brigade
------ 7. Divisinal Artillery
---- 8th Korean Infantry Division
------ 22. Infantry Brigade
------ 23. Infantry Brigade
------ 24. Infantry Brigade
------ 8. Divisinal Artillery
---- II Korean Corps Artillery
------ 5. Artillery Battalion
------ 6. Artillery Battalion
------ 7. Artillery Battalion
------ 8. Artillery Battalion
-- Korean III Corps
---- 1st Korean Cavalry Division
------ 1. Cavalry Brigade
------ 2. Cavalry Brigade
------ 3. Cavalry Brigade
------ 9. Divisinal Artillery
---- 2nd Korean Cavalry Division
------ 4. Cavalry Brigade
------ 5. Cavalry Brigade
------ 6. Cavalry Brigade
------ 10. Divisinal Artillery
---- 3rd Korean Cavalry Division
------ 7. Cavalry Brigade
------ 8. Cavalry Brigade
------ 9. Cavalry Brigade
------ 11. Divisinal Artillery
---- 4th Korean Cavalry Division
------ 10. Cavalry Brigade
------ 11. Cavalry Brigade
------ 12. Cavalry Brigade
------ 12. Divisinal Artillery
---- III Korean Corps Artillery
------ 9. Artillery Battalion
------ 10. Artillery Battalion
------ 11. Artillery Battalion
------ 12. Artillery Battalion
-- Korean IV Corps
---- 5th Korean Cavalry Division
------ 13. Cavalry Brigade
------ 14. Cavalry Brigade
------ 15. Cavalry Brigade
------ 13. Divisinal Artillery
---- 6th Korean Cavalry Division
------ 16. Cavalry Brigade
------ 17. Cavalry Brigade
------ 18. Cavalry Brigade
------ 14. Divisinal Artillery
---- 7th Korean Cavalry Division
------ 19. Cavalry Brigade
------ 20. Cavalry Brigade
------ 21. Cavalry Brigade
------ 15. Divisinal Artillery
---- 8th Korean Cavalry Division
------ 22. Cavalry Brigade
------ 23. Cavalry Brigade
------ 24. Cavalry Brigade
------ 16. Divisinal Artillery
---- IV Korean Corps Artillery
------ 13. Artillery Battalion
------ 14. Artillery Battalion
------ 15. Artillery Battalion
------ 16. Artillery Battalion


General Ludwig Praeger, the Dragon from Pranger.

- General Prinzregent Alaricus Ludwig Isidor Eldrich Nickolaus Praeger, Grossherzog von Korea und Graf von Pranger/Grand Duc de Coree et Comte de Pranger/ Grand Duke of Korea and Count of Pranger.

Praeger is sometimes called Pranger due to the similarity with his name and his often use of the pillory (German: Pranger) to punish offenders. He was born in the town of Drake in the Pranger province in Korea, which is another reason why people use the Pranger nickname. While he seems to act angry whenever the nickname is mentioned when he is around, he doesn't mind it.

Praeger's catholic beliefs got him into trouble a few times in the past and it is generally believed that it was because of his Catholicism that his rise into the higher ranks of the Swiss High Command was blocked.

Praeger worked hard to win the trust of both the troops stationed in Korea (not just his own) as well as the Korean citizens. His hard work eventually paid off in 1902 when a shadowy group of foreigners managed to infiltrate and gain control of the Swiss Goverment and the Police Force and eventually staged a coup.

Praeger used his power and influences to stage a counter coup and he succeeded to grab control of Korea and proclaim himself as ruler of the nation. Once in command, he severed the ties with the new goverment in New Switserland but not with the old one in Exile, with whom he stayed in touch. There are a few rumors that he received help from Taishakuten and his generals, but that has never been proven.

He joined Taishakuten to support his cause to liberate Japan in 1905 and he was immediately bestowed the rank of General in Taishakuten's Army of Liberation and later received the title of Grossherzog von Korea for his role in creating the Greater Empire of Japan.

When, as a colonel, Praeger took over control of Korea, he was liked by his troops and tolerated by the population. Numerous years have passed since becoming ruler of Korea and now he is now idolized by the troops and well respected by the citizens, not only those of Korea and the Greater Empire of Japan, but also New Switserland, which makes the current situation caused by the war between Japan and New Switserland a difficult one for Praeger.

When the Army of Korea takes to the field, in most cases it is Praeger himelf who leads the Army. When he's occupied with other more important business, the command of the Army of Korea falls upon his trusted Second-in-Command, General Rasputin (*).

Praeger's aide, Colonel Jacqueline Emiline Virginia Elyse Eustacia 'Jevee' Ceeta, is always there when he needs help with all his paperwork or whenever he needs advice. She also leads Praeger's old regiment known as "Pranger's Bangers".

(*) As the one in Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese, no relation with the historical figure, apart from physical resemblance and some characteristic attributes.


General Rasputin

Critics call him the Insane Commander but despite that, there is no denying General Rasputin's skills as a soldier and an officer. Rasputin is very unpredictable and makes some of his moves look like sheer madness and this makes his motives and loyalties appear to be questionable at those times. However, it is this unpredictability that guarantees that his insane maneuvers lead to great successes and this makes him a formidable and truly fearsome opponent on the battlefield.

Born in the small village of Pokrovskoye, along the Tura River in the Tobolsk guberniya, Rasputin's parents moved to Vladivostok when he was 4. When he was older, Rasputin went back west to the Pavlovsk Military School in Saint Petersburg where in 1894 he graduated from. After that, he served in Siberia for a short time. After being promoted to captain in 1897, he had several separate stints as captain of the guard at the Russian Embassy in Korea. It was during his second stay in Korea in 1898 that he met Colonel Ludwig Praeger. Recognizing something of himself in the Colonel, the two quickly became good friends.

In 1901, Rasputin resigned from the Russian Army and joined Praeger's regiment as a Lieutenant Colonel. Rasputin played an important role in Praeger's counter coup the next year as commanding officer of "Pranger's Bangers" while Praeger took command of the Army of Korea.

In December 1905, Rasputin was promoted to General and became second-in-command of the Army of Korea after a successful campaign with Taishakuten's Army of Liberation.

Despite having doubt about it himself, it was Rasputin who convinced Praeger to support Taishakuten's decision to declare war on New Switzerland in 1908.