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1929 HY2

Started by Kaiser Kirk, December 01, 2023, 03:30:24 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

My plans have been repeatedly been disrupted by both in-game events, other player's builds , and my own revisions.

The Sino-Japanese war provided reports to the world from the Chinese perspective. This spurred great concern over massed torpedo attacks and night time. The IJN adopted effective defensive stances and there was still indications of heavy guns mattering in the Japanese loss of an amphibious force at sea, and their final surrender under the guns of the Chinese fleet.

All of this spurred the retention and re-installation of torpedo nets, the creation of a series of sentry frigates, and more destroyers, so I could echo that layered defense, and quickly detect and vector to the attackers. Meanwhile Parthia continues to echo the Byzantine, and apparently Mayan, concept of 'we will crush you against strategic points' with a vaguely decent battleline.

The advent of airpower as a means of spotting and serious wounding threat means the carrier has stolen from my cruiser and armored cruiser lines. Meanwhile the Roman ships obscene speed push everyone faster. And the Japanese vessels provide a similar threat.

The Byzantine trend towards only 190mm guns has led to the temporary abandonment of the 165mm on cruisers, and upgunning of some older vessels. I actually plan to return to the 165mm, but I'm developing a new version. This also meant my older cruisers really needed updating, so the Mouleks led to the Royal Nisseans with 12x180.

Then, since the mid 1910s, I've diverted resources to first build troop, then claim lands, then hold them. Aware that I have a fairly sprawling realm, and a limited number of fleet assets, I've been building a large number of aux vessels to take care of "coast guard" duties, with an goal of providing wide spread rear area ASW and minesweeping abilities. With 184 hulls, that effort is drawing to a close. 

The fleet minesweeps, MTBs, older Torpedo boats, maritime patrol frigates and refurbished older ships provide the regular service backbone. 

The gunboats, both regular service and Aux, are also being built as part of that 'storyline'. Parthia has a great deal of assets that need attention beyond that of the main battlefleet.

I expect that I will be producing a new series of such vessels soon, but probably after I finish the Manbad series of Close Escorts= 4 per main fleet. While meant to support the fleets, I may continue the series to be leads for the various aux patrol groups, but that would be a massive increase (and cost) in their planned numbers. In which case it would probably be a mildly updated version.

So...yep, my plans keep getting torn up and restarted.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest