Turn Work//notes

Started by AnchorSteam, August 14, 2020, 12:53:05 AM

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Stuff from  Kirk --

thiopia :

Base IC : 55   (54 homeland, 1 in Mozambique)
Base BP : 16 (only in homeland)

Land Points : 60
Air Points : 0
Deployment Points : 16
Fortification Points : 30

Each of your colonies is taking 1 Land and 1 deployment in garrison right now.

Modification Points : 32
How these can be spent is up to you, I included the list in a prior PM.
However, how much 1 point "buys" varies by item. The most efficient use is to
buy the most BP, then IC you can.
Then since you need deployment points (DP) to take colonies or launch attacks, that is needed.
But since the max is ½ the land points, you buy both.

One factor to consider is that Byzantine has 159 Land Points and can deploy 35 of them. Jefgte isn't going to invade you, but from a Roleplay perspective, he is much bigger. 
My Parthia has 154? land points and can deploy like 70 of them. Vilnus has more.
So you probably want ~70 land points. That way you can send some off adventuring, while others man your forts.

Suggestion 1:
3pts : +11 land points, +19 Deployment pts, for 71/35.   Otherwise costs $30 and 30bp
20pts : +4 BP otherwise costs $200.
9pts : +3 IC otherwise costs $60.

Suggestion 2:
4pts : +20 land points, +20 Deployment pts, for 80/36.   
10pts : +2 BP
18pts : +6 IC

Modification points may be applied to any of the above categories with the following rates
IC Costs 3 points.
BP Cost 5 points.
Techs cost 2 points per year advanced from 1905. Only Techs up to and including 1909 can be done in this way. These techs are considered available in the year listed
Techs can also be acquired for one point. Techs acquired this way are considered available in 1910/H1. 
Ten (10) additional BP for naval ships and infrastructure costs 1 point.
Ten (10) additional Land or Deployment point costs 1 point.
Five (5) additional Fortification points costs 1 point
One (1) additional Air point costs 10.
A nation may not spend more than 20 Modification points in one category.
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