Expansion 1912-1913

Started by maddox, April 28, 2020, 03:12:26 AM

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With the divine approval to expand the borders and the knowledge of new, modern technological strong neighbors, the Inca do expand.

First noticable effect of this is the expansion of Chinchaysuyu, the northern province, and diplomatic interaction with the Vilnius Confederacy to agree on borders and trade interaction.

To the south, Qullasuyu is expanding to the east and south, but as far, only limited opposition from the desert raiders or Pampa dwellers has been met. It seems the mainstay of these tribes have troubles elsewere.
To facilitate this expansion, the local capital , Quillota is becoming a military hub , with a railroad next to the coastal Royal Road to the heartlands in construction.

The west. With the incorperation of the Shuar tribes a century ago, there wasn't a concrete reason not to expand down the Amazon river (or tributaries), but tradition and inertia was recently overcome. Manaus, originaly an agreed upon , but non Inca trade post with the Green Hell demons, did expand hugely , due increasing trade with the Imperial Roman Republic. This caught the eye of Sapa Inca.
With a watery Royal Road provided by Yakumama, this should be easier.

The east, Quchamama in all her glory. Traderoute to the world.  But not a tangible piece of real estate.