Current Diplomatie

Started by Sachmle, December 14, 2009, 10:44:30 AM

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Diplomatic Relations of the Deutsches Kasierreich Brandenburg
as of February, 1920

Scored on a scale of 0 to 10
0 - At War
1 - Very Poor (No Diplomatic Relations)
2 - Chilly
3 - Poor
4 - Fair
5 - Neutral
6 - Friendly
7 - Good
8 - Very Good
9 - Excellent
10 - Allied

Bharat – 4 Things have been discussed.

Confederate States of America – 5 This Hoover guy seems a little paranoid.

Democratic Republic of MesoAmerica – 5 No contact with new government as of yet.

Deutche Kaiserreich Brandenburg – 8 Things are quite well in Brandenburg.

East Sea (Baltic) Confederation – 2 They share the same bed as the Dutch.

Egypt – 5 No contact with new Government as of this time.

Empire of Japan – 6 Recent interactions have been pleasant.

Hapsburger Kaiserreich – 10 We're wondering how they will react to the war so nearby.

Imperio Iberico (Iberian Empire) – 6 Their input helped bring an end to the Zionist conflict, seem level headed. We like level headed.

Khazaria – 5 Does anyone know if it's actually populated?

Kingdom of Bavaria – 4 The Kaiser's sister seems to think we've misjudged them, as did his father towards the end. Now if they weren't shackled to the Dutch.

Kingdom of Firanji – 5 No contact at this time.

Kingdom of Italia – 6 Rumors of a potential shift in politics with the new, young, Emperor have us a little on edge.

Kingdom of Maoria – 2 Well, this should be interesting to watch.

Kingdom of New Zion – 5 All is well. They're doing as told, and we shall make sure they keep doing it.

Kingdom of Rohan – 5 Now they're all quiet. Strange folks.

Kingdom of Rumania – 5 Not much contact since we helped them out. They said thanks, but that's about it.

Kingdom of Siam – 7 Quiet contemplation seems to be popular in Siam.

Kingdom of The Netherlands – 1 Just waiting for them to stick their necks out.

Middle Kingdom – 4 That was NOT a funny joke. However, now that they've seen the Dutch as they truly are we shall see how our relations go.

Mughal Empire – 5 Silent as church mice.

Oman – 4 Now it seems their foreign policy comes from Istanbul...get a spine.

Ottoman Empire – 4 They seem to be useful, as long as they're not in the way of our Hapsburg cousins.

Persian Empire – 5 We hear they have oil, and we like oil. Perhaps a business meeting is needed.

Reformist Republic of China – 4 Normally war with the Middle Kingdom would get you knocked down this list, but since they were buddying up to the Dutch at the time, we'll forgive.

Republic of Eire – 5 No contact with this nation as of this time.

Republic of France – 4 Seems the more we talk to the Bavarians, the more we remember we don't really like the French, who now seem very quiet.

Republic of Gran Columbia – 5 Rumors of a leadership change, or at least a policy shift have us on edge, especially with the Kongo next door.

Republic of Greece – 5 No contact, but the Hapsburgs say they're ok, and the King is family of the Iberians.

Republic of New Switzerland – 4 Overt and covert overtures post War have been immense and we do still remember the days we were allies.

Republic of Oranje – 4 They're still Oranje, so.

Rossiiskaya Imperiya – 3 No longer a Monarchy, friendly with Oranje, nice with Dutch, OK with the RRC...someone make up their mind.

Ukraine – 3 about missing the boat. They only had 40+ years to go to war with the Bavarians without us really caring, or maybe even helping. Figures they wait until there's a thaw. Now they're only annoying to the Hapsburgs, but we're starting to like our other cousins more too. Epic fail Ukraine.

United Nations of South America – 4 As long as they're done growing we're fine. I mean, they have no were else to go on S. America, so they'd have to go somewhere else, right?

United Norman Kingdom – 5 Seems they've forgot what an envelope is.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

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Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim